ATTN: The 'F-BOMBS' - A Top 200 Team (165th Place in Ireland) has a few openings after shaving some dead weight. Our only requirements are participation, communication, and fun. We have a mixture of gold & non-gold players but we don't require it. It doesn't matter what level or how high your stats are to us as long as your strong for your level & very active. If your looking for a tight knit, well organized, successful Faction to call home please contact Nico at:

Please include the following info:

Your modern war game name

Alliance ID code

activity level

attack & defense stats - unboosted

Ally count

Income per hour

Sending this email is considered an application to our Faction. All applicants will be reviewed and if accepted you'll be sent an invite.


Health Regen Time -25%

Ground Attack +5%

Infantry Attack +5%

Infantry Defense +30%

Ground Defense +20%

Air Defense +20%

Sea Defense +10%

Building Defense +20%

Building Output +15%

Guild Member Increase +16

Next Objective: Top 100

Faction Leader: Coach

Recruitment Officer: Nico

Need Allies?

