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  1. #31

    Exclamation No one answering

    The most sad Thing about This, is that even in the feedback topic, which GREE created, no one is answering Any of the incoming suggestions/feedbacks.
    The same inhere, and is is just me, or hasnt the quest started several days before they Stated it would? And All of your long and thoughtfull postings inhere... Unanswered - just like if you use the in-app support Thing - you get an answer that really sucks, if you even get one - after waiting several days/weeks for the answer... They do not make up for their mistakes, for instance by putting a little bit of gems out, or making up for a missed quest (because the system did something wrong) at least giving some of the rewards to the players... one single quest is enough to put players several levels behind also in stats (attack/défense) !!!
    No one from support seems to be bothering to answer to these posts.

    Pretty anoying also, that These last quests havent specified the total number of trials you have to accomplish... How Can we know then, of the trials just keep coming, and no one Gets the reward?

    Just a little something... If anyone from support ever reads This and bother to take action !!!

  2. #32
    Ravanger's Avatar
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    Canada. Ont
    Do you know why gree has the wars and quest so much and close together is so that the top people don't buy gems and others buy it if the top guys stay in top no one will ever get a chance to be in top spot and then the bottom 10-1250 guilds will never buy gem because they will never get a chance to be in the top 10 do you know why it is only the top 10 people that are complaining about this they can't keep up gree quest on buying gems

    gree don't tell them to buy the gems they do that on there own to stay in top if they just stopped buy and the other people caught up then there would be more gem spending because the wars will be even not a guild with 1 mil att and 1 mil def fighting a guild with 300 k att and 300 def who will never win

    then no one will ever join the game because it will be a losing battle to ever get to #1 spot so joining no matter how many gems you buy you will never be #1 as the top will buy gems

    then if this happens there won't be a KA game because gree won't make enuf money to run the game just off 300 people that are in a top 10 spot buying gems every month for a war with 300 people ( this is what you want a war
    Every month )

    this is why they need the top 10 to change spots so they will make more money and the game more even play ground for everyone

    They need this war and quest every week so new people that come on board get a chance to buy some gems and lev up and catch up to top players if you can't catch up to the top players why play the game no new players the game just dies

    So to all the people that only see it as they got to buy gems and play every quest you are the guys that will end the game as no one will ever catch up to you and no one will ever join KA no new revenue means a losing profit and the game will go off line

    You think this game is about you (the individual that say it is to much gems spending and wars and quest ) what about all the new people that join the game on a daily basics don't they need a chance to do some quest and war or is this game just made for the top 10 guilds if so the game is lost because you can't generate enuf money on 300 people in a top 10 guild to run a game like this

    You are not ment to buy gems every war or quest it Is up to you To do it is not Gree's fault you are greedy and want to be in top spot and can't stay away from every quest so other new people can catch up

    Can't put all the blame on gree you are at fault too set back relax it is all right not to be in top spot it is all right to miss a quest if there were no chance to get in there every one would leave the game and then only the top 10 would be here playing how much fun would that be

    Got to think about when new people join and say man why don't this game have a war or a quest been playing for a month how am I going to catch the top players (if you have a war or quest every month )

    Just saying looking at the bigger picture of things you need new quest and wars every fue weeks to bring the playing field closer for everyone not just the top people or the people that has been here for years but for the new people as will

  3. #33

    Cool Agree

    I agree:-) even though it was a lot of is and isnt-kind of text;-) i agree, i dont see that about the quest as a problem or even with the gem-buying - we All do have a choise.
    My problem with GREE definately is their lack of response to failures both via the in-app support and in the official forums.
    I Think much of the frustrations we see inhere, could be avoided if they just met the players (as in responded inhere) at least to some of All the complaints, or maybe just tried to make up for some of the failures in the game.
    All in All we love This game, or else why would we play it?
    But they shouldnt have put an in-app support system, when they are not answering it!
    Thats my only complaint.

  4. #34

    Agree with Ravanger

    I could not agree more with Ravanger. Spot on. The views against Gree tend to be from the top Guilds and to be self serving. We need new players to keep it fresh. New players want regular quests and battles. I personally think that a Conquest of Kings event every 3 weeks is about right. If Gree want them more regularly fine, we will just choose our level of participation in each one and enjoy it.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A little interesting ,all for benifit

  6. #36

    Join Date
    May 2013

    It's not fair

    Two weeks between wars? For a lot of people, that sounds like a bad idea. For others it sounds great. Some people get what they want, other don't. You don't get what you want, then GREE must be bad and it's all not fair.

    You don't like the timing of the war, sit it out wait for the next one. If your guild don't like it, find a guild that doesn't try to dictate how you live your life.

    It's a holiday weekend? Only in America, the rest of the world is fine. Not fair!

    Some people spend more money than me, and get stronger without "strategy". Not fair.

    Some people don't have jobs, while I work 60 hrs a week. They get more quests done. Not fair.

    Gems are cheaper in some countries than others. Not fair.

    Etc, etc

    It's a game run by a corporation, for profit. Of course it's not fair.

    If you enjoy the game, play it. Play it your way and enjoy it. I guarantee you will enjoy it more if you focus on the things you like and not those you don't.

    If you don't enjoy it - leave.

    Now, for all those who will say I'm a GREE plant because i haven't posted much - come and check me out -
    949-863-235, Level 141, avatar name Aslan
    Guild - Celtic Angel Warriors, invite code 542935741.
    Modern War - 131-284-752 (Julius Wheezer)

  7. #37

    Focus on the Customer

    Any business will only succeed if they are listening to their customers.

    Many of us are not just game players, we are buying customers.

    The issue here is way beyond the game and guilds and gems.

    It is the fundamental issue of Gree being customer focused.

    As a Guild Leader of a Top 50 Guild (consistently in all three wars), I think I know what our group thinks. We are a balanced guild with a good group of gem players, and also some strong free players. We are international across all time zones. We have high level and low level members. All deliberate as part of build a vibrant guild.

    But we are also experiencing game fatigue - having wars too frequently wears guilds down. The quests are good because it allows individuals to run at their own pace, but wars are different.

    Wars are fought and won as a guild. It means a lot of organising, schedules, spreadsheets and people having to commit time. And this is where Gree needs to understand the difference between individual customers (players) and customer groups (guilds).

    Treating them in the same manner is a bad strategy.
    Last edited by Crusader Shout; 05-21-2013 at 08:01 PM.
    Shout (Guild Leader)
    "Where the Strong Play for Fun"

  8. #38
    Kusa's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    I agree with ravanger

    Honestly if this game went the way guild wars did with how they make money it would be 100% better.

    Add in a prem subscription that gives a bunch of perks.
    Sell differant perks in the game store like energy regen fasters etc.
    Rentable mega weapons/ units etc
    However do not sell full energy restores etc.
    Heck open some new areas to pve in that cost gems to access for so long.

    Getting gems to not play a major role in wars and events would be a + for all.
    KA ID kusajishi 442-667-646


  9. #39

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    The people who tend to want more frequent events are the ones who aren't footing the bill ie. free player or tapjoy gems. While free players provide a basic function and enhancement to the game if we all played free the game doesn't exist or it has a hell lot less updates. The second most people don't get is price optimization. Getting a whole bunch money now then lose customer base is not as profitable as a lengthy relationship w the spender. They are a profit company and i think most get that they are entitled to a profit but a basic sevice level should be expected.

    However the stat inflation and stacked events are setting the company to be doomed. I wouldn't be suprised if this game was dead or sold in a years time.
    IGN: Bryan
    Member Of:

  10. #40
    Dreadknight's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    CJ, where is the list of prizes that you use to post on the forum?
    Is it just for show that you done it for the dragon roost and not for the rest of the wars anymore?

  11. #41
    MindMachine's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadknight View Post
    CJ, where is the list of prizes that you use to post on the forum?
    Is it just for show that you done it for the dragon roost and not for the rest of the wars anymore?
    Hmm I think maybe the reason is that it can be now seen in-game on the rewards tab of the Conquest of Kings..Just my thought..

  12. #42
    Dreadknight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MindMachine View Post
    Hmm I think maybe the reason is that it can be now seen in-game on the rewards tab of the Conquest of Kings..Just my thought..
    Ya i too know that, just would like to have some good suggestion flowing so that Gree think again if that prize is really suitable for the ranking achieved.

  13. #43

    Join Date
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    Stop having events on holiday weekends. 11 days is too soon for another war. Not too mention the crime city / modern war battles both being held the same week. Your going to make people choose one game.

  14. #44
    Sirius's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback folks. We will be taking things said thus far into consideration moving forward.

    Keep up the constructive comments! Thread has run it's course so closing it out.



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