1. #1501

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Which armor has higher stats? Swamp shaman+ or jackalope dragon armor+? Also, I have 5 uncrafted boss armors which I won't be able to get the + version of. If gold isn't a problem (I have about 11.5 million right now) should I craft them and fuse them to see what I get? What would be the best combinations to try (especially for jackalope)? Thanks for any help.

  2. #1502

    Question armour help?

    Which is stronger and better to upgrade? Monk vestments or brawlers armour! They are the same elements so i only want to keep one (;

  3. #1503
    Matty-cakes's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jman View Post
    Which armor has higher stats? Swamp shaman+ or jackalope dragon armor+? Also, I have 5 uncrafted boss armors which I won't be able to get the + version of. If gold isn't a problem (I have about 11.5 million right now) should I craft them and fuse them to see what I get? What would be the best combinations to try (especially for jackalope)? Thanks for any help.
    Jack+ has higher stats than Shaman+. A few hundred points higher, in fact.
    MQ: Furball Turner (level 131)= scruffy-looking nerf-herder

    K&D: Sir MattyCakes (level 100+) of the CENTURIONS

  4. #1504

    Hi quick question

    A bit confuse..if u hv a lvl15 armor and u want to combine to another lvl15 armor.. Is it simply fuse shop then enhance? Coz they dont show in the combine armor..thanks in advance.. And also pls add me i need referrals XBD-BBH-WQX

  5. #1505

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yawsome View Post
    There's a problem with my knights and dragons app on my screen it says contact support and that it's error code 15
    Happen to me when I got crappy Internet connections. No solutions. Either get better connectivity or **** it down & restart. Reinstalling always works for me. But with a good connection, it takes abt 8-10 mins to reinstall.

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  6. #1506

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roark View Post
    are there any areas after the Dark Prince's castle? on Android it looks as though the "original map" is all there is

    just wondering besides chests, what drops Metal Cogs, Dragon's Horns and Starmetal Fragments


    I'm guessing cogs and horns are the same
    No more areas after dark prince. Those armors materials are only available from the gold chests.

    Anyways its not worth crafting any of them nowadays. Any new boss armor or dark prince chest (DPC) armors are better.

    They become more of a collector items

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  7. #1507

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    Quote Originally Posted by Madpapaya View Post
    Been playing for about a week. And I was wondering what other 2 armors should I be working towards? I know the + versions of the big 4. But should I use the monks whatever that I got at the beginning? I just don't want to waste effort on an armor that I will be dropping soon
    When I first started I leveled monk & steam maxed & now I seriously regret it. It's stats are really lousy. Level them enough to get to Altantean & Cirus then u should be focusing on those 2. Afterwards, go get your hydra & living flame.

    These 4 armors are enough till the last stage of dark prince area.

    Forgot about fusing anything. Don't waste your gold even if u think u r rich.

    First it's more likely u will get crap when u fuse, nothing 2 star is better then the big 4, & its damn hard to get any legendary through fusing. Leveling a level 70 armor to max will set u back 3-4 million of gold.

    If u really need monk element type, chimera + should be better.

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  8. #1508

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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberJayy View Post
    Which is stronger and better to upgrade? Monk vestments or brawlers armour! They are the same elements so i only want to keep one (;

    Be independent, go found out yourself. It's on a thread.

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  9. #1509

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chinesemafia View Post
    A bit confuse..if u hv a lvl15 armor and u want to combine to another lvl15 armor.. Is it simply fuse shop then enhance? Coz they dont show in the combine armor..thanks in advance.. And also pls add me i need referrals XBD-BBH-WQX
    Don't understand your question friend.

    What do u mean by fuse shop then enhance?

    * FYI - yup I am bored... Lol

    iGn: Justice
    Line ID: thejustice711
    Guild: Konoha

  10. #1510
    Sir.'s Avatar
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jman View Post
    Which armor has higher stats? Swamp shaman+ or jackalope dragon armor+? Also, I have 5 uncrafted boss armors which I won't be able to get the + version of. If gold isn't a problem (I have about 11.5 million right now) should I craft them and fuse them to see what I get? What would be the best combinations to try (especially for jackalope)? Thanks for any help.
    Jackalope has about 20 lower defence, but about 300 higher attack.

    I still wouldn't craft them if I were you. Not only do they take up an armorsmith for 2 entire days, the chance you get something actually useful from fusing them is still quite low. Definitely not worth the 425k + fusion stone, imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmberJayy View Post
    Which is stronger and better to upgrade? Monk vestments or brawlers armour! They are the same elements so i only want to keep one (;
    Both are quite useless. Try focussing on the Big 4 instead (Atlantean Avenger+, Crius Armor+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+), these should last you long enough till you can start working on 70s.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chinesemafia View Post
    A bit confuse..if u hv a lvl15 armor and u want to combine to another lvl15 armor.. Is it simply fuse shop then enhance? Coz they dont show in the combine armor..thanks in advance.. And also pls add me i need referrals XBD-BBH-WQX
    Make sure your armors are not worn by your knights, on either adventure, arena, epic boss or summoning stone.

    Also, referrals you can only get if someone uses your code after finishing tutorial, it doesn't work for players who have been playing for a while.
    IGN: SiRR Dot
    Guild: The Rainbow Room
    All Hail The King Cloud!

    Join the Rainbow Coalition: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthre...ild-of-Legends

    Line id: sir.dot
    Line name: Sir.

  11. #1511
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir. View Post
    Jackalope has about 20 lower defence, but about 300 higher attack.

    I still wouldn't craft them if I were you. Not only do they take up an armorsmith for 2 entire days, the chance you get something actually useful from fusing them is still quite low. Definitely not worth the 425k + fusion stone, imo.

    Both are quite useless. Try focussing on the Big 4 instead (Atlantean Avenger+, Crius Armor+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+), these should last you long enough till you can start working on 70s.

    Make sure your armors are not worn by your knights, on either adventure, arena, epic boss or summoning stone.

    Also, referrals you can only get if someone uses your code after finishing tutorial, it doesn't work for players who have been playing for a while.
    Thats why.. Thanks a lot

  12. #1512
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir. View Post
    Jackalope has about 20 lower defence, but about 300 higher attack.

    I still wouldn't craft them if I were you. Not only do they take up an armorsmith for 2 entire days, the chance you get something actually useful from fusing them is still quite low. Definitely not worth the 425k + fusion stone, imo.

    Both are quite useless. Try focussing on the Big 4 instead (Atlantean Avenger+, Crius Armor+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+), these should last you long enough till you can start working on

    Make sure your armors are not worn by your knights, on either adventure, arena, epic boss or summoning stone.

    Also, referrals you can only get if someone uses your code after finishing tutorial, it doesn't work for players who have been playing for a while.
    Thats why.. Thanks alot.. But my knights are not wearing it tho but still doesnt show on the combine fusing.. And i dnt get the summone stone u said, those r just the bosses u defeated

  13. #1513
    i dont no what my next step should be.. im new to the site so i may have been doing things wrong for a while now but i have a lot of questions. but first ill state a few things about my profile so u can understand

    im level 56 i currently use mantle of the beast level 23,flame summoner level 14 and stormrage lv 25
    i have back up armors as monks vestment lv 23, embersteel lv 1, spectral captain lv 1..

    i also just started reading about the big 4 so i now have the plus version of these.. but i dont no if its still worth it now that i have stronger armor... i also do not know how to plus upgrade the main 3 i use can some1 exlpain that please..

    i also have like 70 gems. should i just use them on dark chests i did that one to get strormrage..

    is there anything i should be trying to fuse because i havnt really experimented either

    so ya just looking for basic what should i be doing next advice based on my profile and the best steps to get there fast thanks alot

  14. #1514
    Sir.'s Avatar
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Chinesemafia View Post
    Thats why.. Thanks alot.. But my knights are not wearing it tho but still doesnt show on the combine fusing.. And i dnt get the summone stone u said, those r just the bosses u defeated
    You can fight those bosses and if you go to a fight there you'll see that your knights are wearing armor there too. If you still don't get it check a few pages back where it's explained more extensively. Or look for the thread that was posted about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by gatman003 View Post
    i dont no what my next step should be.. im new to the site so i may have been doing things wrong for a while now but i have a lot of questions. but first ill state a few things about my profile so u can understand

    im level 56 i currently use mantle of the beast level 23,flame summoner level 14 and stormrage lv 25
    i have back up armors as monks vestment lv 23, embersteel lv 1, spectral captain lv 1..

    i also just started reading about the big 4 so i now have the plus version of these.. but i dont no if its still worth it now that i have stronger armor... i also do not know how to plus upgrade the main 3 i use can some1 exlpain that please..

    i also have like 70 gems. should i just use them on dark chests i did that one to get strormrage..

    is there anything i should be trying to fuse because i havnt really experimented either

    so ya just looking for basic what should i be doing next advice based on my profile and the best steps to get there fast thanks alot
    First of all you'll want to make sure you've unlocked all expansions and filled them all with lvl 2 training fields. Use your gems to upgrade them to lvl 3, this is a great investment in the long run. Before you have this, don't bother with lvl 70 armors yet.

    As for the Big 4; they're always useful. Fast and cheap to enhance, fairly powerful and you'll probably be able to use them for a long time on epic bosses for your 2nd or 3rd knight. Unless your stormrage is the + version you can ignore this, if it is the + version you can replace the Atlantean Avenger+ for this armor. Monk's vestment, embersteel and spectral captain you can dispose. If your Mantle of the Beast and Flame Summoner are regular version you can dispose them too, if they are the + version you can chose to enhance them, but I'd personally rather go for this week's armor, Armor of the Infernal Lord or Dark Prince Armor.

    Fusing generally is a waste of time and cash, except for the last levels (50-70 or 60-70) on the ***(*) armors. Fuse basic air/fire, fire/earth, spirit/air or spirit/water and use those armors to enhance.

    Any other questions you may have can likely be answered by this thread: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthre...-the-beginners
    IGN: SiRR Dot
    Guild: The Rainbow Room
    All Hail The King Cloud!

    Join the Rainbow Coalition: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthre...ild-of-Legends

    Line id: sir.dot
    Line name: Sir.

  15. #1515
    Hey guys I have a question regarding armor fusing, I want to fuse an armor but it does not show up in my list of armors for some reason even though I made sure that none of my knights are wearing this armor. Is this a bug? Any possible solution to this issue? Thnx in advance

    Edit: just found out that it might be because of armors equipped at the summoning stone. Guess there aint much to do until they fix this
    Last edited by Xiaopeng; 06-15-2013 at 11:24 AM.

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