No more fryin' fish in the kitchen... beans ain't burning on the grill.

The CANNABIS COALITION is making moves.

We're getting *higher and higher* with each event, finishing 1404 in the Battle for China.

What's next for this close knit group of 21 hard-hitting soldiers? Top 1000 of course!

So come along for the ride and toke one up on us!

771 109 509

Health Regen -9%
Infantry Defense +20%
Ground Defense +10%
Air Defense +10%
Building Defense +15%
Building Output +5%

I, as leader, have a $1.1M IPH. Senior Officer, just over 1M IPH. Donating tens of millions per day.

We're no where close to done or satisfied. We have a well-defined and well-executed battle plan, but need active members to contribute what they can, when they can... and of course, smoke the good stuff errrrr-day!

Join today... and PM me with any questions.