1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Game unplayable..

    Is anyone else having issues with the app constantly force closing? for instance I can nolonger open arena without it crashing after a few seconds, also everytime the game crashes, its as if I havent even been playing, because I have to recollect money and redo everything I just did. This is a major security flaw and needs to be addressed by Gree immediately. If we can log into the server and perform task, without it being recorded right away, it is a problem. Sometimes I can play for a good 5 minutes befor it crashes, then nothing I was doing for the last 5 minutes was saved, battles, crafting, quest, etc. Im at the point to where im just collecting money, because the game wont stay on long enough for me to do anything else.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by -Vilelent View Post
    Is anyone else having issues with the app constantly force closing? for instance I can nolonger open arena without it crashing after a few seconds, also everytime the game crashes, its as if I havent even been playing, because I have to recollect money and redo everything I just did. This is a major security flaw and needs to be addressed by Gree immediately. If we can log into the server and perform task, without it being recorded right away, it is a problem. Sometimes I can play for a good 5 minutes befor it crashes, then nothing I was doing for the last 5 minutes was saved, battles, crafting, quest, etc. Im at the point to where im just collecting money, because the game wont stay on long enough for me to do anything else.
    I have the exact same issue, sort your **** GREE. This is a great reason not to spend any real money on the game because it becomes unplayable, then what's the point?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by -Vilelent View Post
    Is anyone else having issues with the app constantly force closing? for instance I can nolonger open arena without it crashing after a few seconds, also everytime the game crashes, its as if I havent even been playing, because I have to recollect money and redo everything I just did. This is a major security flaw and needs to be addressed by Gree immediately. If we can log into the server and perform task, without it being recorded right away, it is a problem. Sometimes I can play for a good 5 minutes befor it crashes, then nothing I was doing for the last 5 minutes was saved, battles, crafting, quest, etc. Im at the point to where im just collecting money, because the game wont stay on long enough for me to do anything else.
    Happened to me few days ago. Mine kept crashing whenever I tried clicking the "craft" button of my armor smith where my Barbarian Boss armor was being crafted. I couldn't access anything either like PVP, etc. To make it short, I've sent in a ticket, followed the instructions that were given. Had the major things working, but my Barbarian armor & others are still gone. Still waiting for an update from them before I send another ticket.

  4. #4
    busteroaf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    no menu's working

    When I open the game, I see a screen flash, then a news screen, and then the main game. I can't access any menu/quests buttons/the extra buying gem options... basically I can craft and do misisons, but nothing else. Is there a way to fix this?

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