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Thread: Looking for Guild Thread

  1. #1006
    Member Since
    Feb 2013
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    DragonLance Heroes 779978379 is looking for active players that want to have fun. We are a top 75 team that has some open spots available. Please either PM me or join us on Group me at https://app.groupme.com/join_group/6950736/8wi605
    KA 690-727-769

  2. #1007
    Articulate Author KH-FUR's Avatar
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    Bump it up
    Top 75 team wants you!

  3. #1008
    Steady Scribe
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    Sent you a PM

    Quote Originally Posted by UKgal View Post
    Hi all,

    I'm looking for a more active guild who knows how to communicate with its members with respect. My current guild seems to think that the officers only have to say jump and members will respond with how high. This isn't for me, I currently have accounts on kakao and groupme, so out of game communication isn't a problem.

    So the important bit:

    Level 181
    Attack 202m(looking to improve my stats)
    Def 259m

    Generally tend to play everyday and during wars score on average 30k cps.

    Please pm me with any details.

  4. #1009
    Steady Scribe Alisha.Banshee's Avatar
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    If you are still looking, we would love to have you. We have another UK member and would like to add more. We are called Banshee and finished this past war at #159. Our invite code is 849790426. We are a mixture of free and gem players. Our only criteria is that guild events are mandatory, donate gold as you can, and have fun.

  5. #1010
    Member Since
    Jun 2012
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    Need a new home

    Attack/Defense:400M/500M Before Guild bonuses
    Type of guild you are looking for: Daily but not hourly mostly at night
    Gem usage: free player, retired gem user

    Look for a Top 100 -50ish, I still want to stay active and contribute to an active guild without having to pay for GREE salaries.

    You can PM or contact me in game ID: 524-597-765

  6. #1011
    Steady Scribe
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    i have sent you a PM

    Quote Originally Posted by Ackchoo View Post
    Attack/Defense:400M/500M Before Guild bonuses
    Type of guild you are looking for: Daily but not hourly mostly at night
    Gem usage: free player, retired gem user

    Look for a Top 100 -50ish, I still want to stay active and contribute to an active guild without having to pay for GREE salaries.

    You can PM or contact me in game ID: 524-597-765

  7. #1012
    Consistent Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ackchoo View Post
    Attack/Defense:400M/500M Before Guild bonuses
    Type of guild you are looking for: Daily but not hourly mostly at night
    Gem usage: free player, retired gem user

    Look for a Top 100 -50ish, I still want to stay active and contribute to an active guild without having to pay for GREE salaries.

    You can PM or contact me in game ID: 524-597-765
    Will send you a pm

  8. #1013
    Member Since
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    Thumbs up Need a guild as active as I am

    Stuck right now in a guild so slow, I'm sometimes the only person who participates in wars - and yet I've done enough on my own to win guild awards.

    Level: 165
    Attack/Defense: 8.6 m/10.6 m
    IPH: 15.3K (a little low because early on, I had all the money I needed so didn't upgrade stuff - I learned)
    Type of guild you are looking for: Active! Really, is there any other kind that matters?
    Gem usage: light

    I'm NOT looking for a guild that requires out-of-game communication, or joining another site like "groupme." I play this game when I can (which is often - see below), and no message is going to make me available when I can't be.

    One fact that tells you a great deal: I am on Round 155 of the Tournament. And that's without a single offensive upgrade from my guild...

    If that previous paragraph doesn't explain a lot to you, I don't think I will be a good fit in your guild.

    Update, one week later: level 166, tournament level 160, attack 12.6m, defense 14.4m. (The drops for the ugly twins have been...generous!)
    Last edited by Ethera - ign; 01-24-2015 at 09:55 AM.

  9. #1014
    Member Since
    Dec 2013
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    Fun, Friendly and Fierce
    If that interests you, then The Ancients want you!
    Lots of bonuses, lots of fun and always taking care of business.
    Consistently Top 75 and higher.
    GroupMe, 20k min. CP, donations and participation in Guild events are required.

    Join this room for a little Q&A...there's always someone here to welcome you.
    'The Ancients Waiting Room' on GroupMe. https://groupme.com/join_group/11912728/nlD54U

  10. #1015
    Steady Scribe
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    We have great bonuses, active members, and have GREAT communication!nwith members from all over the world. The Second Coming just needs players who can communicate on KakaoTalk chat, be active, donate, and have a strong showing during wars and guild quests. We WANT YOU to be part of our friendly,, supportive, interesting and no-pressure guild! Guild code: 857409258 Cheers bBx
    I do not shave for Sherlock Holmes

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