Hi Gendur,
I'm enquiring if you and your team mates are still looking for a guild to merge with. We currently have 20 members (a couple of minis) with room up to 44. Our bonuses are : Casualty rate -14%. Health Regen Time -10% heading for next bonus. Upgrade Cost -23%. Building Upgrade Time -23%. Guild Member Increase +24.
We are active members some minimal gem spenders some freebies and the majority of us have played together as a guild from the first war. We have members from Australia, England, America, France and Thailand. We are all very friendly and communicate via kakao chat. We find the external chat app helps to run things smoothly due to time zone differences and works like a message board. If you and your guild are interested in further discussions that would be great to hear from you. Cheers mate
The Second Coming