I just want to say that I had the best time playing alongside my fellow faction brothers/sisters during this event. I will be the first to admit that I wasn't exactly looking forward to it; not because of my teammates, but because of the game. I have been growing weary of the greediness of Modern War and Gree; the glitches, the stupid trolls and egomaniacs who have all but ruined the MW forum, and just the general decline of the game. These were some of the reasons I just needed to step away from the madness. (other reasons: birthday celebration, Super Bowl, living life, etc.)

But, as it got closer to Greenland, my faction had so much positive energy, rallying the troops to donate, get their bases ready, and get amped!!!

Even though I didn't have time to visit the forums much over the past few weeks, once I got back into it, it was like I never left. Back with the jokes, the pushes to keep hitting the "hobbits", the inspiring messages. Made me want to fight harder, even though I was all but done with the game.

And fight we did. Right into the top 10. Something that we achieved with TEAMWORK and RESPECT.

Shout out to my peeps:

Marebear, Solo (GET TO DA CHOPPA! ), Vball, Xander, Ducati, Thief, Fluffy, Self Proclaimed, FozzieLee, Ozzy, Hivesy, Bob_55, DeskJockey, Fugu, Jhoemel, Gambit, WhiskeyBravo, Hellion, Q, MadMan, Lt. Falcon, Sanuden, Ericinico, Led, HoundDog, Commandnconquer, Gero, Nick, Jp, Copenhagen, Hammer, Nick, Jf, Miner, Corsair, IDF, HB, Sgt. K, Vertex, VQ, Bucknut, LeBarticus, Cousins, Brodawg, Alpha Omega, Cheiz, Aria, Budboy, Tom, Santa Clause, Alpha Dog, and last but not least McDoc, who kept us going, laughing, and playing when we should have been working, sleeping, eating, etc.

A special shout out to the heavy hitters (you know who you are..)

I truly had a great time. Thanks guys (sorry if I left a name or two out---typed this vigorously...lol)