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Thread: Cc mark leaving

  1. #121

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLastResort View Post
    SinSir you made some truthful statements there...not too mention banning good people without any second chance while the trolls continued...AppleMacGuy lives on...and he still wants his old forum account back even after 3 months of waiting and numerous false promises by least GREEdy will not get any more spend out of him in the meantime...

    Oh, and CCM/Jared thanks for not having the common courtesy to reply to the e-mail that AppleMacGuy sent you directly at GREE asking for his ban to be lifted...just shows how much you didn't care about the good guys...and another reason why this once great forum went down the pan.
    So is this You coming back at last then Amg? Took you long enough dude but hey, welcome back

  2. #122

    Join Date
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    4,850 miles from Dutch Harbor
    Quote Originally Posted by SinSir View Post
    My fig oni account got banned cause I called him a 'nazi bavarian illuminati wannabe'.
    to be fair Fig, he did pretty much beg you to stop and warned you if you didn't, he was going to have to ban you. I remember it well, as I was praying you would stop, didn't want you to get the hammer.

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragmondino View Post
    So is this You coming back at last then Amg? Took you long enough dude but hey, welcome back
    Thanks for the welcome back...I'll let AMG know... I think he's only back to express his ongoing dissatisfaction of the total contempt GREE have for their customers, particularly the paying ones but as minor compensation he's thoroughly enjoying the irony of CCM's permanent ban
    AppleMacGuy lives...but GREE ain't getting any more of his money...3 months and still waiting for his old forum account back. RM spend boycott started October 2012...and continues.

  4. #124

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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLastResort View Post
    Thanks for the welcome back...I'll let AMG know... I think he's only back to express his ongoing dissatisfaction of the total contempt GREE have for their customers, particularly the paying ones but as minor compensation he's thoroughly enjoying the irony of CCM's permanent ban
    +1 on seeing you back a little and on your remarks.
    Like i said, dont want the dudes life to fall apart and have him end up homeless, but all these folks need to get him off his pedestal. I think, overall, and despite some positive moments, he was poor at his job and exercised his capacity for proper discretion very poorly. I think he was petty at times and not the least bit thorough or professional in executing or not executing his actions. Maybe he was overworked by Gree with the behind the scenes stuff i never saw but that is not my problem. Humorous at times, sure. Smug and beyond reproach most of the time? Absolutely. Maybe it was the culture within the company that caused him to act as such, but i dont care. What i saw i didnt like.

  5. #125

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    Mar 2012
    I liked him. Got me unbanned and I won add me Monday 3 weeks on the trot.

  6. #126

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    Jul 2012
    And good for you on that, seriously. We all have our own experiences which shape our opinions. So a handful have a reason to like him, and a handful have reason to not like him!

  7. #127

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    Dec 2012
    It's called karma Jared, what goes around comes around and it couldnt have happened to a better person

  8. #128

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLastResort View Post
    Agree with all of these points...let's be honest what goes around comes around and now CCM got his reward with a permanent ironic Poetic justice IMO...
    Exactly. He deserved it

  9. #129

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    Mar 2012
    Who's been banned more out of you and Joaquim?

  10. #130

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragmondino View Post
    Who's been banned more out of you and Joaquim?
    Santaquim has been banned most

  11. #131

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SinSir View Post
    Let take the facts.

    Mark never observed the forum rules, they were only created so mark could ban people who he didn't like without him being looked bias.

    Pooham was a big example, he swore, called people gay, imitated other players, even mark was is favor of it being ok for him to change his name to xenoki and so many other things.

    Now someone like Burn, he banned him for being racist, homophobic & so many other reasons(all false).

    He had a personal vendetta against Ram & Tramp he use to always ban them for no reason even to the point of banning Rams game account for in game comments he allegedly wrote.

    When I started the forum, the main guy for me was popeye and he made his life a misery every time he made a thread it got deleted, he made spreadsheets they got deleted, same with sync, discordia, and list list goes on.

    The excuses were always the same, it wasn't us must be the server.

    I say in true fact mark ruined the forum.

    I think mark got fired as the link to the job axe at gree was posted in techcrunch is dated june 2012.
    They told him to clear his office and he quickly messaged he got layed of without any notice.

    I live in uk an all jobs, your employees give you notice before the termination of contract unless it a sacking.

    I could say more but I've been on the forum since way back so I saw the decline.

    I'm only been on the forum itself for approximately 6 months but from my experience I can agree with a few points here. I don't know even a fraction of the people that have been banned seeing as I'm still fairly a newbie and everyone starts off with a clean slate with me. However, the only time I've seen CCM around is to close a necroed thread, to award and close an "Add me Monday" thread after it has been running for weeks and the most recent thread where he did a sort've AMA in lieu of him being canned.

    In today's economy particularly around the holiday, I hate to see anyone lose a job. However, from my experience and observation, I can not disagree or give a positive experience that I've had with CCM. I don't know the amount of time he has been around, but I'm sure the vacation thread was a smoke screen for the layoff (or firing considering decisions like that aren't made overnight) and it was just his way of bowing out gracefully.

    I'm sure CCM was stretched thin with all the development and dealing with the forums, but broken promises of unawarded prizes and unanswered private messages are just inexcusable. If you can't deliver, don't put it out there for expectations...plain and simple. I've only sent a total of two pm's to him and actually got a response to one after about a week later after it was sent. The results of that ended in me having to end up getting a refund from Amazon a week later after being told by CCM that he would definitely get with support in reference to my issue.

    He got paid to develop ideas and eff around on the internet daily and be head troll reading private messages and the forum and responding accordingly. If anything required more effort than that, he had henchmen to forward player issues to about things such as not receiving items and actually putting them in their inventory or lost account issues. In each players case, I'm sure it took all of 10 minutes out of his time (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) to read and respond or get this to support to take care of.

    Hopefully whoever is next in line to deal with players and forums will take heed to the concerns and issues of it's customers seeing as it's us who make an impact in that declining quarterly profit margin.
    Last edited by dispatch_me; 12-08-2012 at 11:07 AM.

  12. #132
    Joeycool's Avatar
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    Come on folks... even ignoring all his "flaws", just judge him on his job title... he was meant to be a community manager. We never saw the guy. He never engaged any of us or addressed any of our issues. If he hadnt have said he was going no one would have even noticed.

    G'bye Mark!

  13. #133

    Join Date
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    Behind you
    You have got a good point Joey

  14. #134

    Join Date
    May 2012
    I too found it odd the outpouring of support when no such "support" was afforded to us in the lead up.

    The only bad thing is that they will either not replace him or replace him with someone just as inept.
    Must be a prerequisite to getting hired in the first place.
    I wonder if they are hiring lol
    Always Famous......

  15. #135
    Idiosyncrasy's Avatar
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    Gree's Internal memo:

    Today we are announcing a reorganization of GII to better focus our growing US operations on 1st and 2nd party game development. These changes will combine the majority of Platform Product and Engineering with Studio teams (managed by VPs Ram Gudavalli and Andy Keidel) and Platform Developer Relations and Marketing teams with Player Marketing teams (managed by VP Sho Masuda).

    This organizational change is our best path to revenue acceleration for our core US Studio business and the GREE platform business globally. A transition of the GII platform business operations will be managed over the next few weeks in conjunction with this reorganization. Overall we expect this reorganization will achieve two goals for us here at GII:

    1.Simplify US operations from two separate business lines to one aligned organization, increasing our operational efficiency.
    2.Create additional support to accelerate revenue growth for the GII Studio business by concentrating talent and resources into one business line.

    To support these goals we are creating two new organizations:

    1.We are creating the Publishing and Partnerships team, a hybrid publishing business for equity investments in outside studios with emphasis on our 2nd party expansion. VP Jim Ying will lead this effort supported by SVP Shanti Bergel’s corporate development team.

    2.Also being created is a new Growth and Revenue team formally the “Incubation Layer” and will focus on tools and services for 1st and 2nd party games and investment partners. The Growth and Revenue Product will report to SVP Anil Dharni with VP Ram Gudavalli leading the engineering team.

    Unfortunately, there are individuals who will be leaving the business today but wherever possible, we’ve re-assigned team members to new roles allowing us to take full advantage of the incredible talent at GII.

    We expect to share additional details on the re-organization with the entire company in the coming days and weeks.

    This reorganization impacts us all and we ask that you handle the situation and information in the most responsible manner. We appreciate everyone’s support and focus during this time of transition.

    Business leaders will be available and walking around if you or your team have questions.

    Thank you.

    I'm not sharing anything proprietary. It's in the second link below.
    Crime City tenure: June 2012 - retired 8/10/14

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