Standard Time Maintenance


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Thread: Standard Time Maintenance

  1. #1
    Administrator RecallDoro's Avatar
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    Nov 2018
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    Standard Time Maintenance

    Dear players,

    As every year, and due to the Standard Time Changes, we will perform a maintenance on Sunday the 3rd of November.

    The overall downtime will be roughly two and a half hours from 1h00 AM PDT to 2h30 PST. Despite the one hour time change, the duration of the maintenance is still two and a half hours.

    In order to avoid any war to be shortened by the maintenance, the matchmaking in the event will be turned off one hour prior to the downtime, allowing the running wars to finish but preventing starting wars that would be cut by the maintenance. Overall the matchmaking will be deactivated from 00h00 AM PDT to roughly 02h30 PST when the maintenance ends.

    Please note that the weekend events will have the same usual duration and won't be extended.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    Your Deca team
    Last edited by RecallDoro; 11-01-2019 at 09:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator RecallDoro's Avatar
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    Nov 2018
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    The post above has been edited, please make sure you read about the last details.

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