1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2017

    New Raid Boss stage and stats increase

    After the feedback received on this topic we feel the need to share a few more details about the reasons behind the changes.
    As you mentioned, in the last couple of months the Raid Boss stats increase has happened with a higher frequency than usual. This became necessary as we noticed that the overall scores increased greatly compared to a year back, making the Raid Boss less challenging. The changes we announced should bring the situation back to how it used to be.

    Nevertheless, we agree that these changes came with a short warning time and with the inclusion of a new level we agree it's too much change at the same time.
    For the upcoming Raid Boss we will therefore reverse the changes in stats for the bosses level 4, 5 and 6 while we will keep the new level 7 as announced as a challenge for your guild.

    Additionally, we will include a Community Challenge to the event! By defeating a Raid Boss level 7 at least once, your guild will qualify to receive 2 silver coins per member after the ending of the event.
    The rewards are not cumulative, if you defeat one or more Raid Boss level 7, you will still only receive 2 silver coins.
    The guilds that will qualify for this extra reward will be checked only at the end of the event and the rewards will be sent out later on during next week.

    Dear Knights,

    As you are aware, the increase in armors strength requires a regular increase in the strength of the Raid Boss to keep a consistent level of challenge in the event.

    This time we will not only change the stats of the existing levels, but we’ve decided to add another difficulty level as a bigger challenge for your Guilds.

    The Raid Boss event in the upcoming weekend will have higher attack values in level 4, 5 and 6. Here’s the changes in details:

    Lv 4
    • Previous Attack = 4,200
    • New Attack = 4,500

    Lv 5
    • Previous Attack = 4,200
    • New Attack = 4,500

    Lv 6
    • Previous Attack = 5,500
    • New Attack = 5,900

    New Raid Boss level

    To give your Guild a new challenge, we’ve added an extra level to the upcoming Raid Boss.

    The lv 7 will be the strongest and will require a lot of damage to be defeated but it will also grant a big bonus to your Guild. Try out your limits with this new challenge and see test the progression of your armors!

    • Attack = 7,000
    • Defense = 1,900
    • HP = 25,000,000
    • Defeat Bonus = 90,000,000

    Be aware that this new level is currently a test, which means it will be reviewed carefully and changes might happen in the following Raid Boss events.

    Battle on,

    The DECA Knights.
    Last edited by KnD-announce; 10-11-2018 at 07:34 AM.

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