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  1. #1

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    From DECA meeting July. Who does the players board represent?

    Clear question to the members who spoke on behalf of the community with DECA.

    Do you represent yourself(meaning your own syndicate your in) or the entire community?

    I have read the last meeting and i get the impression that some members are using their influence in the board to benefit their own team and themselfs and thus not the community. You are in the board to discuss issues that involve the entire community. I posted not to long ago about another meeting where complains where being made about the inbalance in the game and yet boldly ask for more SA mods in truck sales. That is not representing the community but only the big spenders in the game.
    Last edited by sfun; 07-27-2018 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #2

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    They speak for the top synds, just look at the scores from last SA, how big the gaps are now, any given match against a higher ranked team is now given on beforehand. The way the SA %mods are flying out on offers, it will get even worse, and now the SA regen has topped it. I said a long time ago that more deploys would make more fights, but unlimited deploys for spenders kills the event completly, wheres the fun when you match a team that can deploy unlimited?

  3. #3

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    The thing i was afraid has happend.The so called players board have convinced DECA to cancel next SA cause of a deploy glitch.

    I have a question again to the players board. What about the battle crossover Glitch!!!! This glitch has been around for more then a year. What about using bots or sharing accounts during BFEC event? I guess these problems doesnt effect you or your team, but maybe you are doing this yourself. Cause clearly you dont represent the community. Some of you got burned and now the rest of the community needs to sit back this SA.

    Big thank you for Players board you are doing an awesome job.

  4. #4
    I believe you are forgetting the fundamental reason that the game is still in existence... People spend money to keep game going (running this "cloud" based game requires resources and programmers). These types of operations do not just "operate" without any costs associated with playing them. Without anyone spending money, the game would have fizzled out 6-7 years ago (free to play simply means you can play it without having to invest any money to try it out... but long term if everyone continued to play for free, the game would not exist). Deca/Gree/Funzio is not in the "lose their shirts over this game so you can play free forever" business model.

    That being said, the players board represent a wide variety of teams (anything from T5 to T150+) teams. They discuss and ultimately decide what direction they would like to see Deca take the game into, to extend the shelf life of the game. They are asking for items/events that they would see value in, not only for themselves and their syndicates, but also the community as a whole. Those items create a "game" value which in turn generates peoples interest in dropping some of their hard earned cash into the game to extend the game longer term.

    I was in the software development field for many years and I know all the headaches that come with programming and debugging things. There is never a massive cloud based game that is 100% bug free (the goal is to approach that 99.999999% mark in terms of bug free operation). They are simply delaying an event to figure out how to fix this exploit that some teams found and took advantage of the last few street assaults. The glitch itself gave prizes and a final place to a team that didn't rightfully earn it and that's what they are going to fix. I am sure if you spent your hard earned money to get your team to a certain place and someone else spent 0.00 and passed you easily, that you would be upset about that as well. It's just evening the playing field.

    It's important to remember that software does not cost nothing to produce, and to continue being able to play it, someone needs to foot the operations bill.

  5. #5

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    You missed my point. I am 100% war regen so im a big spender. The board isnt representing a wide variety of teams thats my point. The only reason this SA glitch is being investigated is that 2 members on the board are personally effected by it. Thats why the battle crossover glitch isnt important. Or use of bots and share accounts. If these members weren't effected by it nothing would have happend. So the board decide what glitch,bots, share can be used and most importantly by whom. And that is not right.
    Last edited by sfun; 07-27-2018 at 01:53 PM.

  6. #6
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    @ OP: reps represent themselves, their syndicate(s), their tier group, their playing style, and in general, their part of the community. No single rep represents the “entire” community. The CC Community is very diverse and so are the reps.

    Yes, many are in top syndicates but also have secondary accts in lower ranking syndicates.

    The reps report but have no control over how DECA deals with cheating or glitching. All players, including reps, have the duty to report and not abuse glitches/cheats, see ToS. DECA takes cheating reports very seriously and handles appropriately.

    Lastly, cheating affects all of us. Cheaters suck!
    Line ID: clementine88

  7. #7

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    Maybe it’s time to change who is on this board.... There has to be a fair representation of players, top and way low peeps. My two cents it should change like every six months or a year

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by cool1 View Post
    Maybe it’s time to change who is on this board....
    Your absolutey right. The board now has 2 members of one team on it. Far from a fair representation of the community if you ask me.

    Thank you for responding VL, but again you kind of missed my point again. The current board now basically decide who can cheat, glitch and who can not thats the issue. Again the battle crossover glitch has been there for more then a year. And its not even mentioned, why you think that is? And the same goes for using bots and sharing accounts.

  9. #9

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    If DECA is going to take a hard look at this supposed glitch, they need to look at them all. The crossover glitch has been around forever and the team that brought up the new glitch and complained uses it!! The same board member that pushed for sa regen mods to be available in the truck sale is now the same rep who is complaining about a glitch being used against his team!!! He complained about bots, but now you see his score and some of his teammates well over 100mill in battle!! Fix the game and get rid of player reps that are only there for their team!!

  10. #10

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    They represent themselves. Just fix the damn lag and go from there.

  11. #11
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cool1 View Post
    Maybe it’s time to change who is on this board.... There has to be a fair representation of players, top and way low peeps. My two cents it should change like every six months or a year
    Quote Originally Posted by sfun View Post
    Your absolutey right. The board now has 2 members of one team on it. Far from a fair representation of the community if you ask me.

    Thank you for responding VL, but again you kind of missed my point again. The current board now basically decide who can cheat, glitch and who can not thats the issue. Again the battle crossover glitch has been there for more then a year. And its not even mentioned, why you think that is? And the same goes for using bots and sharing accounts.
    Quote Originally Posted by wythme View Post
    If DECA is going to take a hard look at this supposed glitch, they need to look at them all. The crossover glitch has been around forever and the team that brought up the new glitch and complained uses it!! The same board member that pushed for sa regen mods to be available in the truck sale is now the same rep who is complaining about a glitch being used against his team!!! He complained about bots, but now you see his score and some of his teammates well over 100mill in battle!! Fix the game and get rid of player reps that are only there for their team!!
    Hi guys Good points, good feedback... thank you for posting!

    The reps do their best for the greater good of the community; in our discussions they really don't focus on their own syndicates as much as they advocate for their tiers but I guess they can't help but be a bit bias; they are human. But, what's good for one syndicate in the T5 should be good for all in T5, etc... and when there are conflicting opinions, we work them out. Of course, DECA has the final word. If we don't like it, we let them know but we also have to remember that DECA can see data that we can't. DECA has to keep some kind of balance between heavy gold buyers and free players.
    In case anybody reading this was wondering: reps have no advantages with "insider info" from DECA: whatever DECA shares with the reps, the reps share with the community.

    Even though CC is a FTP app, we all know the T10/20 keep the game running so it's not unreasonable imho to have the most reps from this tier. Unfortunately, we can't have a rep from every T10 or even every T50 or T100, as a few players have suggested, because we'd get nothing accomplished; DECA would be drowned by posts and it's simply not efficient.
    Reps are allowed to switch syndicates and play where they choose... If I felt there was an unfair advantage, changes would be made, but the commitment to improving CC and helping the CC Community is undeniably solid and not syndicate specific.

    Some reps are less chatty than others but they speak up when necessary. All of the reps spend an extraordinary amount of time between the 1-hour monthly meetings helping players with individual issues or with CS, communicating DECA announcements throughout community chats, communicating community issues and feedback (good and bad) to DECA, following current issues, and helping DECA staff stay on task, accountable, and transparent.

    The reason why reps aren't replaced every six months or even yearly is because I think we have a really good, solid group of diverse, knowledgeable, hardcore CC players that are active in community chats. Most of the reps have been in the group since its conception in Sept 2016. All of the reps have been in the group since GREE transferred development to DECA, July 2017. They know what's expected of them, what's been done, current & past issues, and what's on hold.
    Every time a new member joins, they tend to ask about all the stuff we've already discussed, which is fine and to be expected, but it's a set back for a couple months with repeating/rehashing every issue (and we have tons!) until they've caught up.
    It's a good thing that the reps are cohesive and dependable with valuable, long-term experiences dealing with DECA.

    Anything and everything anybody in the CC Community wants brought up to DECA is communicated in our CC Comms chat. This forum and community info/helper chatrooms on Group Me and Line are great ways to give your feedback and suggestions. Everybody is welcome to join in!
    Venting frustrations and whining are totally acceptable if kept civil and to a minimum. A positive atmosphere is best even when addressing the worst frustrations in chat rooms and here on the forum, too. Always keep in mind: we play CC for fun!

    Regarding cheating... nobody is allowed to cheat. The forum is not the place to discuss cheats or to call out cheaters. Thank you for not "naming & shaming" here. Discussing glitches or cheats on the forum unfortunately tends to promote them, and we wouldn't want to do that.

    If you have suspicions of cheating, please send in a ticket with as much proof as possible, attach screen shots, throughly explain your allegation or how the game is exploited in the ticket to CS and then contact a rep. We'll make sure DECA is aware. For the record, they've always been immediately responsive to allegations of cheating.

    All of the above posted alleged ToS violations have been discussed with DECA. Cheats are investigated. Cheats will not be tolerated. Cheaters will be banned. DECA is diligent on investigating claims and reproducing glitches/cheats in test environments in order to ultimately fix those exploits as a top priority, always.

    Our most basic mission as reps is to make DECA's job easier as DECA makes improvements for all of us... it's a win-win! I've posted before, once DECA finishes all of these required, time-consuming, huge updates and eliminates lag, DECA will finally get to work on the many tedious display bugs, annoying differences between iOS and Android platforms, and most importantly the Quality of Life (QoL) improvements ("The Wish List") we've suggested on behalf of the community, and then we'll have the best game ever!
    Line ID: clementine88

  12. #12

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    Appreciate you extensive reply VL. Very open and transparent post about what players reps are doing, but sorry you are missing the point.

    You are talking about reps like they are rocket scientist who are doing an incredible hard job. They are many more hardcore players who have been around for years and know the game well and can do same thing that the reps are doing. 2 members of the reps board are from one team and that is unacceptable. Cause since they are reps they have a direct communication line towards DECA. While the normal plebs like myself have to sent in tickets and hope you get a normal response and or feedback that anything is done about it.

    You can not deny the fact this SA has been changed to a test SA purely by pressure of reps not the community. This would have never happend if I would have sent a ticket regarding this same glitch. And that VL is the problem!!!!. Reps board need new members or xtra added. The last meeting wasnt a bit biased as you claim that some reps might be, it was a joke.

  13. #13
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfun View Post
    Appreciate you extensive reply VL. Very open and transparent post about what players reps are doing, but sorry you are missing the point.

    You are talking about reps like they are rocket scientist who are doing an incredible hard job. They are many more hardcore players who have been around for years and know the game well and can do same thing that the reps are doing. 2 members of the reps board are from one team and that is unacceptable. Cause since they are reps they have a direct communication line towards DECA. While the normal plebs like myself have to sent in tickets and hope you get a normal response and or feedback that anything is done about it.

    You can not deny the fact this SA has been changed to a test SA purely by pressure of reps not the community. This would have never happend if I would have sent a ticket regarding this same glitch. And that VL is the problem!!!!. Reps board need new members or xtra added. The last meeting wasnt a bit biased as you claim that some reps might be, it was a joke.

    Ok... well... I'm trying to address your point, but please try to understand mine

    I never meant to imply that the reps are special or have super insights into CC or are master CC players. They aren't. They know this. Reps are basically humble messengers and in this game with so many passionate players, great reps are easy to find... I don't think any rep has ever felt they have an advantage being a rep; nobody has a personal agenda or they would be gone.
    When I invited the reps to join the group, one of the first things I told them was this is not a direct line for you to GREE/DECA; we are a diverse group to represent the CC Community. So far, I haven't noticed any rep abusing their position with DECA staff and it's appreciated. GREE/DECA didn't have to meet with us and I wanted them to continue communicating without being bothered by incessant PMs from reps. I don't even PM with staff unless it's absolutely necessary or unless they PM me first.

    I know, I get it... the 2 reps in the same syn doesn't look "fair" ...especially to a syn that doesn't have a rep. But, my point is that representing is not about the syndicate; its more about the playing style and tier. Their syndicate does not get special treatment or more attention from DECA. (And fwiw, they both have accts in different, lower ranking syndicates)
    For example, if I joined SAS or any syn in the SAS family, would I make the other rep in the SAS family leave the rep group? No. Would I leave the rep group? No. (I'm not joining SAS, heh, just using them as an example)
    Another scenario: If 2 reps had secondary accts in the same lower-ranking syn, would that be an issue? No, not really.
    As long as they are doing their best for the community and their focus is to making CC better, it's ok... not ideal, but ok. Things change; they haven't always been in the same syn so they might not always be later.

    You are right; 1 ticket about a game wide issue hasn't much weight, but 100+ tickets get their attention. (Btw, DECA is overseeing CS now) If you feel like you're not being fairly represented after presenting your opinion or issue in a community chat with a rep, on the forum, or individually to a rep, launch a ticket campaign regarding it.

    DECA staff reads everything on the forum, so this really is your direct line to DECA.
    I read everything here too, and include posts with forum links during relevant discussions regardless of my opinion about the issue.
    DECA had and always has the final word; reps give their opinions based on what they think is best from their perspective. If you or anybody has a different opinion, please post! Your posts here have a lot more weight than you think and it opens up discussions that others can openly agree/disagree with you.

    I think the lesser of the two evils was picked. It's best to err on the side of caution.
    Bottom line: it sucks that SA is screwed... sucks for us & sucks for DECA.
    Everybody is trying to do their best but stuff happens; mistakes happen; mistakes can be fixed.

    Phew! Even I want to say TL;DR! But, I'm happy to answer your posts, sfun, and hope it helps
    Line ID: clementine88

  14. #14
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    A couple more things but quick....

    DECA management decided after the meeting how to proceed with this SA.

    DECA is a business and does what's best for DECA... as they should if they want to stay in business. Ideally, what's best for their customers (us, the players) is what's best for them, too. I want to keep playing CC for many, many years, so I hope they make the best choices.
    Line ID: clementine88

  15. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vile Lynn View Post
    You are right; 1 ticket about a game wide issue hasn't much weight, but 100+ tickets get their attention. (Btw, DECA is overseeing CS now) If you feel like you're not being fairly represented after presenting your opinion or issue in a community chat with a rep, on the forum, or individually to a rep, launch a ticket campaign regarding it.
    We are almost there VL . See you quote. Does this mean DECA received 100+ tickets about the glitch that was mentioned in the reps meeting?

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