Request for feedback on Inventory Consolidation to tackle lags


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Thread: Request for feedback on Inventory Consolidation to tackle lags

  1. #1
    Moderator kamesennin's Avatar
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    Request for feedback on Inventory Consolidation to tackle lags

    Hi Modern Warriors,

    We are finally ready to begin the first phase of the inventory consolidation. As mentioned before, we had determined, with much help from the community, that one of the major causes of lag during events was the player data files size due to all the items in ones inventory.

    One of the measures we are working on to tackle this issue is consolidating all the redundant inventory items into a smaller number of new items with the same equivalent power and bonus stats. This will entail deleting items from your inventory and replacing them with newer items with higher Att/Def. The end result should be of no loss of Att/Def to you, but an overall reduction in the amount of items in your inventory. This should drastically reduce the size of your data file and improve performance.

    This initiative will involve the below 2 phases:
    • For the first iteration of this feature, we plan on first consolidating items that do not have bonuses.
    • After this is successful, we will then proceed to consolidating all the items with bonuses.

    Since this would be a big modification to player accounts, we would like to get the community involved early on in the process so we can eventually roll this out to all players.

    Currently the rule-set that we are planning on implementing is the below:

    1. Target players for inventory consolidation:
      • Players who have more than 9000 items and Sum (Attack)> 30,000,000 or Sum (defense) > 30,000,000
    2. Excluded Items:
      • Exclude items with bonuses
      • Exclude items with NULL or ZERO Attack OR Defense
      • This should exclude all consumables, H&V units, currencies etc.
      • Exclude the top 1500 equipment items in each of the following categories namely Head, Foot, Armor, Accessory and top 3000 items in the Weapon category.
      • Top items are to be calculated in terms of total power (attack+defense)- for each player.
      • Exclude items in the exception list, which includes, Goal Triggers, Memorial Items, Consumables, rare special items, currencies and other key items
    3. Create Replacement Attack and Defense Items:
      • Calculate the total attack and defense for each player
      • Quantity of Attack Item= Total Attack/Attack Item Stat
      • Quantity of Defense Item= Total Defense/Defense Item Stat
      • For the minimum Attack and Defense Item Stat, we are currently considering to set it at 30,000,000 and round up stats of players to the nearest 30M increment. This is to limit the size of the item Quantity integer of the new replacement items.
    4. Consolidate Items:
      • Downtime while Attack and Defense items in player inventory are consolidated

    What we would like to request from you is to provide your feedback regarding the above inventory consolidation rule-set with your concerns and suggestions. We would especially like your cooperation regarding generating the Excluded Items list.

    Thank you for your cooperation!


  2. #2
    Articulate Author
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    Sounds like a good plan; however, I'm definitely not going to be the guinea pig to first try it.

  3. #3
    Member Since
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    Hello Warriors,

    If there are any concerns or any points of failures that come to your mind with the above process, please post them here so that we can address them and make the initiative better.

    Thank you for your co-operation.


  4. #4
    Member Since
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    From what I hear from friends still playing, Seeing as IOS and Android don't even show the same stats and therefore people don't know what their stats are. I don't see how they will be able to confirm that they are correct post process.

    Get this wrong and people will be going to Google and Apple to resolve their issues.

    (Shame I'd already quit a year ago.. sounds like a good way that I could have got my money back ��)

  5. #5
    Verbose Veteran Mrs Cash's Avatar
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    As long as my stats remain the same, I could care less how they are converted.
    My main concern is that, well, I don't trust that things will go smoothly, and I don't want to get screwed.
    Plus, it doesn't seem to matter, the lag is the same on all of my accounts, whether I have 186k # of units or 2k.
    Last edited by Mrs Cash; 03-16-2018 at 07:02 PM.
    CC Mafia Codes: 888 701 464, 503 892 849, 608 943 190, 864 348 557, 502 240 575
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  6. #6
    Member Since
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    Pull the plug you incompetent fools.

    Keep getting error


    And guess what more errors

    Pull the ****ing plug

  7. #7
    Consistent Contributor
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    I expect that my accounts gonna loose on this as I am not a big hitter.

    Pleas do it really bad, then I may delete my google account

  8. #8
    Articulate Author
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    I volunteer as tribute

    Quote Originally Posted by kamesennin View Post
    Hi Modern Warriors,

    We are finally ready to begin the first phase of the inventory consolidation. As mentioned before, we had determined, with much help from the community, that one of the major causes of lag during events was the player data files size due to all the items in ones inventory.

    One of the measures we are working on to tackle this issue is consolidating all the redundant inventory items into a smaller number of new items with the same equivalent power and bonus stats. This will entail deleting items from your inventory and replacing them with newer items with higher Att/Def. The end result should be of no loss of Att/Def to you, but an overall reduction in the amount of items in your inventory. This should drastically reduce the size of your data file and improve performance.

    This initiative will involve the below 2 phases:
    • For the first iteration of this feature, we plan on first consolidating items that do not have bonuses.
    • After this is successful, we will then proceed to consolidating all the items with bonuses.

    Since this would be a big modification to player accounts, we would like to get the community involved early on in the process so we can eventually roll this out to all players.

    Currently the rule-set that we are planning on implementing is the below:

    1. Target players for inventory consolidation:
      • Players who have more than 9000 items and Sum (Attack)> 30,000,000 or Sum (defense) > 30,000,000
    2. Excluded Items:
      • Exclude items with bonuses
      • Exclude items with NULL or ZERO Attack OR Defense
      • This should exclude all consumables, H&V units, currencies etc.
      • Exclude the top 1500 equipment items in each of the following categories namely Head, Foot, Armor, Accessory and top 3000 items in the Weapon category.
      • Top items are to be calculated in terms of total power (attack+defense)- for each player.
      • Exclude items in the exception list, which includes, Goal Triggers, Memorial Items, Consumables, rare special items, currencies and other key items
    3. Create Replacement Attack and Defense Items:
      • Calculate the total attack and defense for each player
      • Quantity of Attack Item= Total Attack/Attack Item Stat
      • Quantity of Defense Item= Total Defense/Defense Item Stat
      • For the minimum Attack and Defense Item Stat, we are currently considering to set it at 30,000,000 and round up stats of players to the nearest 30M increment. This is to limit the size of the item Quantity integer of the new replacement items.
    4. Consolidate Items:
      • Downtime while Attack and Defense items in player inventory are consolidated

    What we would like to request from you is to provide your feedback regarding the above inventory consolidation rule-set with your concerns and suggestions. We would especially like your cooperation regarding generating the Excluded Items list.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

    I am willing to test it out. I still want faction resources that are locked back as well. The response we got that was gree was s jj opposed to or we thought gree handled that doesn't sit well. Tickets are still unanswered

    I am willing consolidate,
    Health Regen 35%
    infantry attack 35%
    infantry defense 35%
    Ground attack 35%
    Ground Defense 35%
    Air Attack 35%
    Air Defense 35%
    Sea Attack 35%
    Sea Defense 35%
    Building Defense 35%
    Building Output 35%
    Guild member increases + 40

    The Fisher Clan (a private invite only faction for families)

    My Id 649 796 085
    My id 716 502 654
    12.8 billion iph
    3.6 bb attack
    6.26 bb defense

  9. #9
    Prominent Poet DEWIN NUTTIN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitepath23 View Post
    I am willing to test it out. I still want faction resources that are locked back as well. The response we got that was gree was s jj opposed to or we thought gree handled that doesn't sit well. Tickets are still unanswered

    I am willing consolidate,
    A true hero, one whose name will live forever.

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    SPEND it, if you got any left.

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  10. #10
    Newbie Pyrowoman's Avatar
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    Im not sure how consolidation of units with boosts will work that the unit doesnt make the army but the boost does. Could you explain more on this please. Thank you.
    Plus im still waiting on locked resources that have not been issued back to my faction as well.
    Last edited by Pyrowoman; 03-22-2018 at 11:01 AM.
    CC ID 328-389-703 CK GɧΩς†яlĐзЯ
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  11. #11
    Verbose Veteran
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    1. Item #3 seems as problematic. And negative effect is expected: players will lost their current stats.
    I suggest to simply remove not excluded items that are not in any army (attack army, defense, FL).
    2. All players worry about side effects.
    I suggest to build separate servers with full copy of current servers in environment same as game environment and data and run test change there at first.
    Then all events shall be tested there by your test team and volunteers.
    3. Preventive actions shall be taken as well: the same stackable units shall be rewarded in all events and in stock (no new units). In such case, max limit will be increased from sale to sale to prevent buying unlimited number of stackable units.

  12. #12
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    I can see how it will work the best. Gree/deca delete ALL UNITS FROM ALL INVENTORY. Then the game will work as it was intended

  13. #13
    Lurker labowski's Avatar
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    Question....will you please stop spamming our inventories with the low level event awards? As an example the Prestige level of the current LTQ SLAGELSE Prestige 1/15 the reward is Slagelse Desert Assailant 1.8M attack 1.2M defense. These units will not make most players armies and will only add to the lag. Thank you for your consideration and waiting for your response please....@ Kamesennin
    Steve L

  14. #14
    Articulate Author Batchief's Avatar
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    Consolidation of inventory not going so well. Members of my faction losing gold units, including upgrade specialist. Not good during the ltb that is in progress. You should post on the member’s board when you start on their profile! Faction member: Hooper ID 155 863 379.
    Nothing is, always, as it seems.

  15. #15
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    please read the forum (general) if what your doing now has caused many players to lose boost buildings
    boost buildings reset back to level 1, current divine fortress removed from base and having to start upgrading
    all over again, and players soldier equipment gone i suggest you stop what your doing.If this isn`t a result of
    what your doing then something else is and needs looking into asap.

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