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    Join Date
    May 2017

    Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day Events!


    are the new milestones for the guild war

    EDIT: We are reviewing the points needed for the Guild War milestones. We were calculating the damage done in the fights rather than the points earned in the end, as this is not very easy to follow and track we are going to be reviewing the numbers. We will be posting new numbers early next week.

    Dear Knights,

    To follow up on our most recent tradition of celebrating worldwide festivities with all of you, we have two new events to offer this February. Starting on February the 14th, let’s celebrate Valentine’s day romanticism and the fascinating Lunar New Year!

    These two will be separate and, while the Valentine’s day event will be rather short and easy, the Lunar New Year event will allow you to celebrate in style and compete at different levels for two full weeks.

    Let’s cut to the chase and check out the event details.

    Valentine’s Day

    This short event will give you the chance to obtain a one time “Harpy Valentine” armor for your collection, in a rather easy way:

    • Take part in the Special mini Guild War starting on February, the 14th
    • The armor will be available as a reward in one of the event milestones
    • The element will be Earth/Spirit
    • A new special attack will be used for this armor, the “Double Strike”
    • The total max stats will be 8900.
    • No milestones reward will be removed or altered because of this addition.

    Lunar New Year

    This two weeks event will be similar to the one you could enjoy over Christmas, but we made some adjustments!

    First phase - Getting Started

    • Three keys will be made available through the weekend Raid Boss, the Arena and the weekend Guild War
    • Each key will open a special chest, containing your basic Lunar New Year armor
    • The three armors will have different element combination: E/S - E/F - E/W
    • With each key you can choose which combination you want. This means you can also decide to get three E/F armors, if that’s what you want.

    Second phase - Tier Up!

    • Two different fusion armors will be available through the milestones in various events (Raid Boss, Blitz events, Guild Wars, Epic Boss, Arena) and also craftable via a Shard available in the Rare drop
    • You can use one of the fusion armors (Xiao Gou) to tier up your Lunar New Year armor to T8. Crafting Xiao Gou will require 50 shards.
    • You can use the second fusion armor (Lao Gou) to tier up your Lunar New Year armor from T8 to T10. Crafting Lao Gou will require 500 shards.
    • Keep in mind that obtaining all three armors to tier 10 will be challenging, but we believe that all effort put into it will be rewarded.

    Third phase - All for One and One for All!

    • To obtain the best out of the event everyone will need to contribute!
    • In a similar fashion to the Christmas event, we will set Community Milestones
    • These Milestones will be global threshold that will consider all the points made in the Raid Boss and the Guild War in all servers. Each event will have its individual Community Milestones to reach.
    • Reaching each milestones will increase the stats of your final armor by a certain %. The bonus stats in each event are additive
    • Reaching the final milestone will give you the chance to add an extra 30% to your total stats
    • The initial distribution of the stats of the armor (attack/defense) will be perfectly balanced (50-50).
    • Via a community poll, each one of you will have the chance to decide what the distribution (attack/defense) of the final 30% increase will be for each armor individually.
    • The global results of the poll will define the final stats distribution of each of the armors that will be given out to every player.
    • A detailed overview on the community milestones are available here:

    The points needed in both events count the Guild Points which is why the Raid Boss ones feel so much higher than last time. We are reviewing the Guild War points as they were counting damage dealt and not points.

    Initial stats:

    • Raid Boss Level 2 and Guild War Level 4 milestones are unlocked. This means a total of 11% (4.5% + 6.5%) bonus stats. A T5 armor will then have 2684 stats instead of 2418 (at level 0).
    • Raid Boss Level 9 and Guild War Level 7 milestones are unlocked. This means a total of 32% (19% + 13%) bonus stats. A T10 armor will now have 10946 stats instead of 8292 at level 0.
    • Raid Boss Level 10 and Guild War Level 10 milestones are unlocked. This means a total of 68% (19% + 19% + 30%) bonus stats. A T10 armor will now have 13930 stats with at least 5721 attack and 5721 defense.

    NB: The stats indicated here are the stats when the armor is max level and max ascended (if applicable)

    The Lunar Armors will have jewelry at T8, T9 and T10. The Valentines day armor will also have jewelry attached.

    Both the Valentine’s day and the Lunar New Year event will be starting on February, the 14th and last for respectively 1 and 14 days. Are you up to the challenge?

    Both the Valentine’s day and the Lunar New Year event will be starting on February, the 14th and last for respectively 1 and 14 days. Are you up to the challenge?

    We hope you like what we’ve prepared for you and are looking forward to hear your feedback!

    Battle on!
    The DECA Knights
    Last edited by KnD-announce; 02-12-2018 at 06:44 AM.

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