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  1. #2

    [UPDATE] Please do not participate in the upcoming Street Assault

    Hello Mobsters,

    Our development team is still working hard to resolve the server issue but the Street Assault this weekend will still be unstable. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

    It is still most likely that the prizes won’t payout (even if you see the leaderboard) and the upcoming Street Assault event may end abruptly because we are still trying to stop this event.
    We do not want you to waste spending any gold and consumables on this event so please DO NOT PARTICIPATE in the Street Assault unless you just want to participate for the sake of enjoying it.

    We will continue to do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will keep you updated.

    Last edited by kamesennin; 01-05-2018 at 11:54 AM.

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