1. #1
    Belic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Compensation for Matchup Issues during World Domination Event

    Hello Modern Warriors!

    We are sorry that your fun in Arming Argentina was interrupted due to technical difficulties. As a gesture of one time compensation, we will be giving you some materials for your Faction HQs that you have all been heavily asking for, namely:

    500 units of RnD
    100 units of Logistics

    What do you have to do to get it: Just log into the game between the 7th of June 2017 and the 27th of June 2017 to receive your rewards.

    Hope you enjoy your new items in the game.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Your back door
    I can't speak for everyone else but I would have much rathered concrete as compensation than what was offered. Oh well.

  3. #3
    Bambamgunz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    yea and what about 10k wins i was going for and unable to get with the downtime..
    oh 500 R&D/100 logistics.
    last messup was 1k R&D and other resources!
    file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Events/VFF/TEMPORARY/1500x1125.jpeg.6563dcd23c12442da2c4b244f5ad1d87.jp  g

  4. #4
    Batchief's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    History has a way of repeating itself
    Thanks Belic, we can use these materials. Faction 212
    Nothing is, always, as it seems.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2014
    I'm not sure what to do with the handouts, I'm just producing things and letting the leader of faction do as he wishes.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    When you do not have Headquarter 2.0 this is nice

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