Gree has said that they wish to improve many/most aspects of the game. Many of these will take a lot of time to accomplish. Some things may or not be able to be changed, as they would require new coding, rather than the patches that have been added on top of the old, and forced to do things they didn't intend when the game was created. Raid boss will eventually be coming back, as it seems there were some sort of issues which I believe they caught before we saw them. This does not mean we won't see any problems in the future. It does mean we have an avenue to have those issues adressed as they do happen, with the goal being for them to be greatly reduced further down the road ( wouldn't that be great if there were none). As far as why not before, and now. I think we can all surmise this. I believe they understand that we have not been happy with the last way of doing things, and yet have continued to suffer through. He good news is that they are willing now to change things for the better, as they can given time and expense considerations. This will benefit them long term as well as us. Happy customers tend to spend more. There is a room in group me that we can add you to where we try to keep everyone up to date with what's going on with all of this. Feel free to on me, or hellraizer ( david) here in the forum to get you added there, or any one else who would like to be added. This is a work in progress, and the players and gree are both improving it to get a better understanding g of the issues and ideas that the players have, or would like to see happen.