Crafting Update!


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Thread: Crafting Update!

  1. #1
    lord of the winners lists Assault and Flattery's Avatar
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    Cool Crafting Update!

    Last edited by Assault and Flattery; 06-20-2016 at 12:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Articulate Author The red Baron's Avatar
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    Plese give us a button open all. Do you think any one will open 300 boxes ?
    The Red Baron TRB

  3. #3
    Consistent Contributor
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    What do we do with all the "older stuff" that I gathered to craft with? I thought for sure we would still use them, is this not the case at all? Please let us know!


  4. #4
    Articulate Author Sim's Avatar
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    Crafting is the same as it was, boring and pointless
    IGN: Sim {RP} & Sim {EXR}

  5. #5
    Consistent Contributor
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    I actually welcomed the crafting, when it began, but became disillusioned when the units became meaningless in my equipment. I look forward to crafting once more. Each to his own. I agree with what had been said above; opening 200 boxes requires a button to open them more quickly.
    ILTQs are the new trials!

  6. #6
    Consistent Contributor
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    Gree, any answer to my question? What do we do with the older stuff we craft with? I spent hours finding parts

  7. #7
    Verbose Veteran
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    need mass open and mass craft. Leavng all of my boxes unopened. Total waste.

  8. #8
    Prominent Poet Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    There is some nice equipment to craft, but the better the item, the more steps we need. In addition to multiple opens, pleas add in multiple crafts of the same item. For instance a recipie may need 5 Wood Solvents. Please give us the option to craft all 5 in one step. Otherwise it's just too tedious to even bother.

    As fat as crafting the old materials into orbs, it's completely worthless since each orb takes 1 minute to complete. I think I'd have to be pretty desperate to try to craft 100 orbs.
    Last edited by Jnsolberg; 07-31-2016 at 11:20 AM.
    Purple Squirrel

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