We've been due for another complain thread. So I'll take the honors:

Last war, war prizes were bumped up significantly. Individual prizes still sucked, there were still all defense bonuses.. but the syndicate prizes were better. T10 was a 4% mafia defense, T15 3%, etc. The war before that, T10 was a 2% mafia, T15 1%, etc.

Last war, between the 2900 gold bundle and the better war prizes, ip was through the roof. There was a huge push between the T5, a huge push between the T10. I can't imagine how much money GREE made last war.

And yet.... they decided to lower both the war bundle and make the prizes crap again. So my question being... Why is that? Ip is much lower this war, if you couldn't already tell. But that could also be due to the fact that EVERY WEEKEND HAS A BATTLE EVENT, and we now have war and SA twice a month. I love repeating an endless cycle of tapping as much as everyone else.... but enough is enough.

So there's my complain thread, but here's some honorable mentions:

1. Individual prizes in war freaking suck. Why?? It's making people spend less gold and hurts teams and the players that do spend gold in war because they're getting the same indi prize for the ones that spend 2 vault LESS gold than them. It's also turning people into ponses.

2. So... much... defense... It's becoming increasingly harder to find targets in war, soon you will start losing gold spenders on top teams for the stupid fact that they will have no targets to participate.

3. Individual goals are great, and syndicate goals are crap. Why spend 3k in war to help your team when you can spend 3k gold on a crate event and double your stats and raw attack? Stop with this, it's hurting teams and, again, you will eventually start to lose players over it.