1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Justification for changes

    I'm irrationally hoping that if I ask this time, someone from Gree will finally explain how they justify abruptly making changes mid-stream. I don't understand how they can release some game functionality, leave it in place for 18 hours or so, and then yank it before everyone has a chance to use it, too.

    Seriously, I'm certain we'll battle a guild this cycle that has literally hundreds of free refills from those 18 hours, whereas my guild seems to have managed to collect a whopping 7. It calls the integrity of the game into serious question- when we lose, we can no longer think, 'hey, at least they spent cash to do it.' Instead we have to ask whether we could even afford to spend enough cash to compete with those that Gree arbitrarily allowed to grab free refills while preventing us from doing so.

    It makes me not even want to fight this war. Why, Gree, why do you not give a flying f- about running this game fairly? You bent over backwards to change haste quests (without changing it in the middle, even) to accommodate complaints from a dozen non-US-time-zone players _who were only having to play by the same rules everyone was_, but you're perfectly happy to shrug about giving some guilds the equivalent of hundreds of dollars in free refills and telling all the others "sorry"?

    Oops, I realize now you haven't and probably won't actually apologize.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Last time, the big money guilds did not farm the big unit and complained to Gree about those that did farm the units. What happened? Gree took away the units and didn't even compensate those that did farm them.

    Id Gree is consistent, they will take away the battle health earned by farming this unit.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Michigan, USA...
    Reset the game for everyone back to right before this Shard/health glitch happened.. That would be fair... Or we could just say f-it and not fight this War...

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Please dont make any changes - it's right b4 war. If you accidentally take health pots away from players that earned them from buying packs they won't have time to get them back. This has potential issues written all over it

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Like, y'know, the Valley
    Quote Originally Posted by Debonair View Post
    Please dont make any changes - it's right b4 war. If you accidentally take health pots away from players that earned them from buying packs they won't have time to get them back. This has potential issues written all over it
    this SNAFU is already an issue, Deb... nothing "potential" about it!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    I understand that people are annoyed at missing the possibility of getting cheap refills, this is just a game after all, Gree mucks up all the time, it will happen again and you may benefit then would you complain I think not, stop stressing and play a game it's everyone's choice to gem or not gem

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Laura TCK View Post
    I understand that people are annoyed at missing the possibility of getting cheap refills, this is just a game after all, Gree mucks up all the time, it will happen again and you may benefit then would you complain I think not, stop stressing and play a game it's everyone's choice to gem or not gem
    Yes, I complain ALL THE TIME when Gree changes things in the middle, because it's never even close to fair, regardless of whether I benefit or not. Fortunately, though, Gree has never given the slightest s- about that line of thought. I'm not even sure they have any interest in trying to administer this game in a fair manner.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    If they do this and they take away health pots from players that earned them through buying packs what will your response be ? Just let it go is my point. Some benefitted and some didn't.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Debonair View Post
    If they do this and they take away health pots from players that earned them through buying packs what will your response be ? Just let it go is my point. Some benefitted and some didn't.
    Well, that doesn't seem fair either, but at least they could fix that through refunds, whereas if they do nothing, they don't even come close to running a fair game. Moreover, you're way off in terms of scale- buying all packs is what, 6 refills? Someone who was able to take full advantage of this before the change could easily have collected 50, if not more through using energy refills.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I'm not way off at all - I personally had over 30 refills from other outlets vs this quest - so now if they take them all away like you suggest - because you are assuming they would get it accurately done. If they don't I lose half a mountain and I am hopeful they give them back to me hahaha

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Actually, I suggested no such thing. To the extent I have a suggestion, it's that they stop changing things in the middle because that never works out right.

    I'm curious about the source(s) of your 30 refills- that seems pretty high to me unless you're honestly spending $100+/week.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dpille View Post
    Actually, I suggested no such thing. To the extent I have a suggestion, it's that they stop changing things in the middle because that never works out right.

    I'm curious about the source(s) of your 30 refills- that seems pretty high to me unless you're honestly spending $100+/week.
    Deb is founder of a top 5 guild. I guarantee those health potions are legit. PS: Don't tell his wife he gems

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I spend plenty on this game as stark pointed out - plus I did the recent box quests that had health pots as rewards for opens - so they are legit - if you think they aren't that's your issue I suppose - but I am active player who helps many ��

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I forgot about the box thing this cycle. And really, I was only asking. I've got no problem with however anyone gets anything, my only problem ever is Gree giving some people an opportunity others don't get.

  15. #15
    The red Baron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Last war i finished top128, most time top 200, this time i will not fight against 100 free potions a lot top players got, i got 0.
    Much less gems / money from me for GREE.
    The Red Baron TRB

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