We just got a +3% attack boost and a +1% attack boost from finishing the Beginners ILTQ. I did a screen shot before and after winning the boosts, (exiting the game in between the screen shots)

First of all, I got an increase of 3 Attack skill points. Not 3% + 1%, only a total of 3 skill points.

1). This raised my 10 trillion Attack (Units) by 93
2). This raised my 5 million Attack (Equipment) by 94
3). This raised my 50 thousand Attack (Hero) by 94
4). This apparently messes up future skill points

Who cares about this boost? This is a pretty insignificant increase.
Since you started these boosts, my Attack skill points went up by 13. My boosts show 13%.

Since I started with 336 Attack Skill points, shouldn't this have given me 43.68 more attack skill points instead of the 13 that I got?

Gree, this boost is pretty worthless, even if it worked correctly. Please stop giving it out in the future. Especially for higher level prizes like the 15/15 Normal prize of another 2% Attack increase. Not much incentive to win that one, lol