Hightower, in the hardcore boss thread you said you needed feedback on the iOS problems. I have the iPhone 5s and 6plus. I am running iOS 9.3 on both right now and MW game version 5.3. On my 6plus the game takes up 5.1gb of space and the 5s it's 1.9gb. It's only 1.9gb on the 5s because I recently deleted and reinstalled so it's building back up.

The current problem with the iOS version of the game is that it seems like there is a clock before it crashes.

Buying 60 alpha planes requires 6 taps. If I do that and than try to complete an LTQ goal the game will crash.

In FL if I would login to game with 3 minutes left in battle and wait til last minute to deploy the game would crash before battle is over. Or when going for Indy I would slowly start to deploy about 15 gunners at a time at the 10 minute mark. After about 4 minutes the game would just crash. I log back in and start to deploy again and to ensure I don't crash I would close game at 2 minute mark and restart to ensure I can finish Indy.

In WD I would do about 12 attacks in a row and then crash. With the double strike the time in between hits is about 15-20 seconds whereas attacks used to register instantly in the past.

At the start of a new LTQ I would begin by doing normal. I would get goals 1 and 2 done and start on goal 3 and I would crash. Reopen game, continue on goal 3 and crash when completing goal 5 or just after finishing.

If I open the game and do nothing I eventually just crash. Even no action causes crashes.

What is common in all of this is what I referenced at the beginning, it's like there is a clock. In each event or even if I do nothing the game will crash within 3-4 minutes after opening it. It's ridiculous. It's unacceptable. It's inexcusable. I would appreciate your prompt reply acknowledging my thread as well as what will be done to address this.