1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Never Ending Energy iLTQs

    These back to back, massive energy iLTQs are a bore. They are all the same and impossible to complete without massive gem spending. I understand that some quests should only be achievable by the top spenders (I'm not opposed to this), but almost every quest is like this now. We have about 5-6 energy iLTQs per cycle, all back to back with no down time in between to even regen. While I (and likely many others) would like a reduction in the number of energy LTQs, this is unlikely to happen. However, with this high number, it would be easy to vary the level of difficulty of the quests as well as bring back GLTQs.

    For example, there could be 3 iLTQs and 2 GLTQs with different levels of difficulty and the value of the final reward would match the difficulty of the quest (this would make more players willing to spend gems on the higher difficulties).

    1) Easy: All highly active players should be able to complete heroic gem free. Final reward: singular (infantry, magic, beast, machine) attack/defense boost.
    2) Medium: Minimal gem use to complete heroic. Final reward: Higher % singular attack/defense, building output, lockbox countdown, building upgrade time boosts.
    3) Hard: High number of gems needed to complete heroic. Final reward: alliance attack/defense, health regen, energy regen/back, higher % on other boosts.
    All quests could have a Haste option as well.

    1) Easy: All highly active guilds should be able to complete heroic for free. Final reward: singular attack/defense, building output, lockbox countdown, building upgrade time boosts.
    2) Hard: Gem use needed to complete heroic. Final reward: alliance attack/defense, health regen, energy regen/back, higher % on other boosts.
    All quests could have a Haste option as well.

    These options would bring balance to the game, lessen the repetitive feel of the game, and bring more focus back to the guild. It would also provide more opportunities for free players to complete more quests while still giving gem players quests that only they can complete.

  2. #2
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    With the recent versions of the ILTQs, we do have different levels of difficulty. The more days that we have to complete the ILTQ, the more refills you need. It of course depends on your energy boosts, but I find that a 23 hour ILTQ only needs @ 20 refills. The longer ILTQs, like 4-5 days probably need over 200 refills.

    All the ILTQs have a very nice prize for completing Normal, which should be gem free for most of KA. I will occasionally complete a 24 hour LTQs, but I usually just do Normal, then enjoy a few days with no quest to worry about!

    A mini vacation from KA, that's just what we all need, lol. Enjoy it while you can! And hope they don't bring back Trials

    As for GLTQs, you know that if we get one, Gree will go over the top and make it nearly impossible. Be careful what you ask for, lmao.
    Purple Squirrel

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2014
    That kind of just proves my point. No one goes past normal due to the massive energy requirements, making them all the same difficulty. The number of refills needed to finish heroic is irrelevant when practically no one does it. No matter how many days the quest is, it's all the same. Finish normal with time to spare and wait til the next crappy iLTQ.

    I think it's a good idea to bring more quests into the game that free players can finish. Personally I'll gem an event if the prize is worth it but not everyone has the ability to do that. I'm sure you've noticed the decline in the player base. A game isn't fun if you can't finish anything in it. Feel free to add your own ideas. This is one way that I thought could help address this.

  4. #4
    Zepson's Avatar
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    Why always several mobs per level? Level 15 for example is always between 22 and 28 mobs to be killed. All mobs can be killed in one hit by everyone. Hero strength does not matter anymore.
    Bring back one mob per level with strength increases as the levels go up, making use again of our bought hero equipment, where mobs need to be hit multiple times in later levels. As it used to be...

  5. #5
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Zepson View Post
    Why always several mobs per level? Level 15 for example is always between 22 and 28 mobs to be killed. All mobs can be killed in one hit by everyone. Hero strength does not matter anymore.
    Bring back one mob per level with strength increases as the levels go up, making use again of our bought hero equipment, where mobs need to be hit multiple times in later levels. As it used to be...
    This would be a nice change. Maybe one level with multiple mobs, the next level with one strong mob. Mix it up a bit
    Purple Squirrel

  6. #6
    I'd be happy if the server errors and stuck check marks went away for good.
    I'm getting tired of killing the last mob of a set over and over again.

    In addition to the huge energy requirement, the experience gained is huge for those that are not already level 250.
    Level 17 normal of the current ILTQ is 500-600 experience.

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