Greetings Players!

We would like to announce some new additions to the Blighted Oak raid boss event starting tomorrow.

  • A new guild goal chain has been added titled “Deep Roots”
  • A new individual goal chain has been added titled “A Soldier’s Duty”
  • The later levels of the raid boss will incorporate bonus units into their loot table. THESE UNITS DO NOT STACK

Individual goals:
“A Soldier’s Duty” requires players to collect units by fighting the raid boss at various levels. As players complete the goals the units required come from higher level raid bosses.

Guild goals:
“Deep Roots” requires guilds to collect rewards from individual players who complete “A Soldier’s Duty”. As the guild completes the goals the collection requirements increase.

Individual players collect units to get “x”. Guilds collect some number of “x” to earn rewards.

Starting at level 85 the raid boss will begin to include bonus units in its loot table THESE UNITS DO NOT STACK. The loot tables for the late level bosses look like this:

Again. Please be aware that the bonus units in the raid boss loot table DO NOT STACK.

Thanks for playing and good luck fighting Blighted Oak!