Quote Originally Posted by Peter Sandelis View Post
GREE decided to paywall the armors to exclusively T1's. Biggest player "depreciation" month"reward"ever.
Seriously. I was hoping for something more like Hyaline where us plebians would have at least a shot at getting the armor, but this is really ridiculous.

Then again, according to the link posted, there's this quote:
These materials can be found in chance chests such as the Dark Prince and Enchanted chests, along with being rewarded from various special events!
Although I'm calling bull**** on that unless I see it happen.
We really need to be told how for how long wars/raids are going to be offering the materials as rewards. Assuming nothing changes and materials change every other event, it would take 11 weeks starting from this week to get one if you go T10 and finish all your milestones. Are we really to expect that GREE will still be giving materials out that long after introduction?