Quote Originally Posted by The Calling View Post
yea it has gain a ton of exposure but you are right, nothing will change because i say about 90% of those who sign that will buy gems for this weekend war. It has to be a total effect or why would gree to changed. they have ****ed us in the past and people whine and complain and threaten to quit or stop spending but those were fake promises and gree knows that. The power has always been in the players hand but the players do not want to make that choice. Why would a company changed when the accepted norm is to ****ed the players and the players take it.

We have only our top spenders to blame for this. Changes starts will you but let's be real;they will never stop spending on a broken game and for what......pixels.
That's what I was saying - the only way to change things is to stop spending. And people have and will stop spending. I myself have stopped and am using gems I had left to push this weekend. I haven't bought any gems since December. If anyone remembers my post about the saga of Crayster's account, well he is still retired from the game having finally decided enough is enough after being treated with utter contempt by Gree. It's been around 3 months now and he was one of the original big KnD players. He shows no interest in coming back. If Cray can be cowed into quitting anyone can.

What I do disagree with you on is that only our top spenders are to blame. That isn't true. Gree and their terrible customer service and lack of interest in loyal players are to blame. If we stop spending, do a boycott, whatever, there will be plenty of non-regular pushers taking the opportunity to spend their way into T3. Gree's marketing department is smart. They will bring back holiday sales, make appealing milestones (like they did when raid blitzes started and nobody cared so they started throwing out spectrals to lure people into spending). They are pro's in getting people to spend money. If it isn't us, it'll be others.

Example: when T1 actually mattered and only the top guild got the plus version, nobody really bothered pushing Rainbow and T1 was cheap. So they changed it to T3 get plus and suddenly another guild found the money to push T1 nearly every event instead when they never did before. See also: before linked jewellery, T10 mins were 250k or so. Now it's only worth doing T10 if you can hit 475k for the linked jewels, almost double the cost. But people still find the extra gems to do it.