Greetings Lords and Ladies!
We would like to let you know about some improvements which are currently in the works for Kingdom Age. Please note that some of these changes are closer to being implemented than others and that while we hope we can implement all of these changes, we might not be able to due to resource limitations.
Short Term = Next 3 months
Long Term = Next 6 months to a year
Short Term:
1.) Trials update + LTQ changes:
- The Trials feature of Kingdom Age is not where we would like it to be. currently we are working on updating it so that the rewards for Trials scales correctly to the player.
- The goal of this update is to reward players with gear relevant to their progression in the game for events and goal chains that they can begin and complete at their own pace.
- This will ideally give new/low level players a clear path to viable gear and progression.
- LTQs may be scaled back or changed in favor of events which center around the completion of various Trials goals.
2.) Store Revamp
- An update to the player store is currently in testing. We hope to give players more/better purchase items by the beginning months of next year.
3.) Beginner Bundle Pack Update
- We are currently working on updating the low level/starter bundle packs in the next few months to make them more appealing/viable.
4.) Guild Citadel UI
- We are working on making the Guild citadel UI more clear. We would like to communicate the bonuses for the guild's current level of GC and the next level of GC so that guilds can know what kind of bonuses they are working towards.
- We are also aiming to update the UI to make it easier for the player to see how many guild materials they currently possess
5.) Crafting
- The crafting menu should now be correctly displaying correct amounts required for instantly completing crafting jobs.
- We are also working on lowering crafting times for some of the more basic crafting components in the near future.
6.) Basic Hero Equip
- Basic Hero Equipment should be available for purchase for outfitting low level players/armies in the next few weeks
Long Term:
1.) Crafting
- We would like to take a deeper look at the crafting system and add a table of exciting new items available for crafting which make the crafting system more engaging.
- On top of adding new items available for crafting we want to find more ways to distribute crafting components as part of events and gameplay
2.) Guild Citadel
- We would like to remind players that the Guild Citadel feature is still in its infancy and in the next six months when Guild Citadel is rolled out more fully there will be many changes made to this feature including changes to how materials are distributed.
3.) PVP
- A long term goal of ours is to improve PvP events and bring them back.
Thanks for reading!