This weekend, in what can only be described as an epic frontline-related battle, the face off between the notorious "Hate Club" and the newly organized resistance, touting the "Fanboi Crew" handle, has ignited the forum with endless smiles.

Recent events, succinctly summarized as an "I know you are, but what am I" discourse, and debates over being made of rubber and glue, with insults only sticking to another's opponent. Such enlightened postulation has only fared on the recess grounds of the local elementary school, but this often-outgrown debate method has now made it to the big leagues on the Modern War Forum. Such an organic and spontaneous use of basic tactics employed by what can only be assumed literate adults has brought numerous smiles, chuckles, and eyerolls, typically only seen on the set of the Maury Show.

For this, I thank the Fanboi Crew and the Hate Club. Without your high-brow discussion, would not have the richness afforded on these hallowed message boards. Please, make enough threads to weave an epic tale of rivalry to stand along with classic literature like the Iliad or the contemporary best seller "Everybody Poops."

I suggest that the factions take note of their membership in the following posts to cement the allegiances and identify the soldiers of the opposition.

You are the best, and your audience can't wait for you next 20-page thread about being sensitive to being butthurt about the most menial of issues stemming from a dubiously named "crapper game"...a game played while on a bathroom break.

Your strongest supporter of open dialogue,
