1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    The big fusion party

    I am about to start in few days a big fusion since I have almost 150 armors between epics and legendary

    I know that there is people expert or fusions and other that are interested in filming them to post in youtube you can contact me in PM or in Line (my nick is estewald)

    here is the list of Epics

    Vargar Raiment + (lvl 99)
    Royal Battlegear + (lvl 99)
    Firestorm Vanguard + (lvl 99)
    Gunslinger's Trappings (lvl 99)
    Rockplate Wargear (lvl 99)
    Crystal Wing Guard + (lvl 99)
    Kirin Vanguard (lvl 99)
    Crystal Finmail + (lvl 99)
    Vargar Raiment (lvl 99)
    Dragokin Platemail (lvl 99)
    Ashenfire Robes (lvl 99)
    Undead Robes (lvl 99)
    Firestorm Vanguard (lvl 99)
    Guardian Wargear (lvl 99)
    2 x Earthwarden Shroud (lvl 99)
    Dragonborn Aegis (lvl 99)
    Airclite Shroud (lvl 99)
    Acquatic Battlegear (lvl 99)
    Scarab Carapace + (lvl 99)
    Clockwork Metalguard (lvl 65)
    Norterner's Battlegear (lvl 50)
    Wasteland Platemail (lvl 35)
    Gold Chromatic Mantle (lvl 28)
    Voidbane Wargear + (lvl 1)
    Chaos Vanguard (lvl 1)
    Revelation Robes (lvl 1)
    Armor of the Komodo (lvl 1)
    Hellfire Platemail (lvl 1)
    Warduke's Raiment + (lvl 1)
    Count's Regalia + (lvl 1)
    Baron's Justgear + (lvl 1)
    Twilight Ripperguard + (lvl 1)
    Baphomet's Chosen (lvl 1)
    Infernal Devilplate (lvl 1)
    Tarnished Spiremail + (lvl 1)
    Mechanized Vanguard (lvl 1)
    Boiling Scaldplatee + (lvl 1)
    Billabong Battlegera (lvl 1)
    Grovekeper's Robes (lvl 1)
    Tusked Duelgear (lvl 1)
    Keratin Featherguard (lvl 1)
    Fragment Pismgarb (lvl 1)
    Searing Vulcanplate + (lvl 1)
    Skeletal Screamplate (lvl 1)
    Cinderspike Regalia (lvl 1)

    contact me if you want to help me in selecting the fusion combinations

  2. #2
    People now fusing away royal +, oh my lanta
    Khaleesi's Bunny and RA Prince

  3. #3
    roookey1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Time for DF fusions, I'd say.

    But knowing Gree, that may take a minimum of 6 more months, as they want to rip us off with armory extensions first. SHAME!

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