Thread: The beginning of the end of GREE
07-26-2015, 07:28 PM #1
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The beginning of the end of GREE
Not looking good for the long term health of this or any other GREE games. The recent inclusion of the brand new comm in a gold bundle smacks of desperation, and the cross world box event with, is a naked money grab trying to desperately wrong out the last few dollars from the few remaining players.
07-26-2015, 09:20 PM #2
I have a sinking feeling that our beloved Relic might have been one of the people laid off? The person mentioned in the article started working in January - which is when Relic started =,(
07-27-2015, 02:12 PM #3
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It's because they have terrible business models/ethics and cannot keep their vip players around. Yes, a select group of people spend a ton of money on their games but eventually most of them get fed up with the blatant money grabs and horrendous customer service and leave to go play other games. A large group of the players I played with (who were all heavy heavy coiners) have all gone to play another game where customer service and player enjoyment are priorities to the developer. So now these heavy coiners, myself included, that GREEd had in their pockets are now perfectly happy throwing their money at someone else.
07-27-2015, 08:58 PM #4
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Can you let us know which is the other "game where customer service and player enjoyment are priorities" for our consideration as well?
08-02-2015, 04:11 AM #5
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I personally as well as many others have moved to clash of clans. Additionally some others have moved onto other games but I can't recall the names
08-02-2015, 07:51 PM #6
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Is clash of clans a coiner game like WoN?
08-03-2015, 07:14 PM #7
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You can coin but it is absolutely not necessary. A non coiner can be just as good as a coiner it just takes longer and the wait isn't even bad.
Basically you use coin to buy gems (like gold in WoN) which you can use to speed up building upgrades and troop research, buy resources (if you're too lazy to raid them or too impatient to wait for your resource mines to fill your storages), or boost things like resource collectors or barracks to increase unit training. All of these things are not necessary and you can easily play and be a strong player without them. There are no money grabs (literally zero money grabs). Supercell also provides you with a small amount of free gems (without having to watch advertisements or download stuff, they're actually free) throughout the game to improve player enjoyment. Therefore you literally do not need to coin in order to be good, you simply just play and let everything upgrade naturally. Everyone ends up with the same max level for troops and buildings so at the end of the day everyone is equal. Their match making systems also ensure you only draw equal strength opponents. After that it's all based on strategy like attacking skill and base design. Additionally, if you do decide to coin, you get a ton more value for your coin than you do in WoN. I would say $100 in Clash is the equivalent to 10 or more max bundles in WoN (this is personal opinion).
As far as the game goes, yes it is a little cartoony but there is a surprising amount of strategy and skill involved at the higher levels and every base is different so you're always doing something a little different. Strategies also change/adapt as you level up as a player so you're always doing something new. Not to be conceited but I honestly think I am one of the best players in the world when it comes to WoN simply because I understand the battle algorithms. I don't mean just the basic stuff like LR vs SR, I mean actually understand what is going on and why. A basic example is the NPC 18 formula (8 heli, 450 art (roughly)), most players know it works but have no idea why it works and why they don't need to send a jeep even though it is a DG base. The point is, once all that is known, WoN becomes fairly repetitive. Additionally, people stop attacking you because theyre tired of getting ??? reports lol. On the other hand, I feel like I am pretty good at Clash (not the best but much better than average) and the game holds my attention because it's always something new and it is fairly challenging.
Supercell, in my opinion, is one of the best if not the best game developers for mobile games. They are honest and have amazing customer service. I have honestly never had to send them a ticket about anything and the people that have sent them tickets (which were usually issues resulting from user screw ups such as lost accounts (not Supercell's fault) or super rare and flukey events) had their issues resolved in a reasonable amount of time. They also beta test all their updates prior to implementing them into the actual game and if there are any programming glitches (which are rare) they attend to them. They pay attention to player input and make adjustments in the game when necessary. I personally gladly coin there and have no issue with giving them any money. I almost feel bad for how little money I give them in comparison to the amount I have given GREE lol (almost).
I know this is technically a GREE forum and it may be inappropriate to give Supercell a free plug here, but I (as well as others) have spent an absurd of money on WoN and have been lied to, disrespected, and even robbed by GREE so I really have no issue supporting another developer.
If you are interested in more information feel free to shoot me a pm. I don't hop on here very much anymore (just to see what people are saying and if I can potentially help with a thread) so it may be a while before I respond but I'll get to it
08-04-2015, 01:42 AM #8
I must say Gree's customer service has taken a nose dive recently. I did not receive Master Coms (should have had 4) from 2 previous events and every time I report this to Gree, I get an automated reply back a few days later asking me to re submit. Not happy!!
08-04-2015, 06:13 PM #9
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Their customer service has gotten to the point where I sent a report of a security vulnerability and they responded back with their generic "I understand your frustration with experimentals..." BS. That has nothing to do with the exploit I found.
08-04-2015, 09:41 PM #10
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Since they don't want to do anything about it, you can share the exploit with us so that enough of us use it to prompt their action.
08-06-2015, 10:29 AM #11
I can second that game recommendation for COC
And if want a distraction game, try fallout shelter. I don't recomend spending, its not needed and takes some of the fun away, and you get free boxes from the side missions anyway. Plus Its due an update any time, For the bugs its suffered from. Its not even in the same game type as war of nations so its not compertion for WON.
But its fun non the less. my suggestion is go slow and if your on a phone don't rush to over 100 dweller population. It has a forum if you want tips but its not that complex.
One of the reasons I don't recomend spending is a few of the bugs have locked players out of there games so you have been warned!!!
But bug fixes are due this month with new content and challenges...
08-08-2015, 04:13 AM #12
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Ya CoC is surprisingly fun. My gf was the one that got me into it after months of nagging and my only regret is I didn't listen to her sooner lol. Also CoC has a TON of stuff/info online and on youtube which can help with the learning curve.
Some basic recommendations to get you started are:
1. Max everything (buildings and research) before upgrading your TH (Townhall) to the next level. Although some ppl will say you don't need to max absolutely everything before upgrading your TH, it is a good rule to follow since upgrading your TH early can potentially be detrimental. Better safe than sorry until you know what youre doing.
2. If you're not going to coin, save your gems until you get 5 builders. The more builders you have the faster your base upgrades. If you do coin, the first thing you should do is get 5 builders.
3. Take your time and really learn the game/attack strategies. You can rush through TH 1 through 6. Take your time at TH7 and especially TH8. Without coining you should get to TH7 pretty quickly and TH8 soon after. You really learn the foundation for a lot of attack strategies at TH7 and 8 (imo) and the game only gets harder at TH9 and 10.
4. Finally, if you look stuff up on the internet/youtube, make sure the source knows what they're talking about. There's a lot of really good info on youtube. There's also a lot of garbage info on youtube.
It's a great game and I really enjoy playing. I think there are quite a few WoN/ex WoN players that play.
08-08-2015, 08:07 PM #13
08-09-2015, 09:16 AM #14
Please refraim from talking about games not developed by GREE. This is a GREE game forum, mind you.
08-09-2015, 10:51 PM #15
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The key to understanding the seemingly abnormal behavior of the NPC 18's is to notice that if you send a commander with good enough damage (typically a level 70 or above, depending on experimentals and boosts), you will counterintuitively lose more than you do with a lower level comm, unless you do send a jeep with your attack. Back when the battle videos worked, you could figure it out by watching them.
Now, if you really were a good player, you would have known how to exploit this by sending what look like messed up waves that include a lot of short range or midrange units at a base with a DG against someone who sort of knows what they are doing. You can get merely good players to mis-defend by including a jeep (because the LR attack/defense matrix says you should), but if you have enough hawks and at least one of them survives the first volley, then it throws off the DG timing and the result is your LR can do some damage, even when your defender defended "correctly" (according to the matrix).
Another interesting mark that distinguishes the players who really know what they are talking about from the ones who think they know the game is to know when a high damage commander is actually better than a high health commander when defending. Most players think that high damage = good for attacking and high health = good for defending (and GREE perpetuated the myth when it described the heroic comms in those terms, calling Bayonette an attack commander). There are times when you want a good damage comm for defense and a good health comm for an attack. Usually, though, you want both good damage and health, since each help in both attack and defense.