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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    In game crashing

    The feedback post appears to be closed.

    The in game crashing reported recently is now lessened. It still occurs, but on a much less frequent basis. The main cause now appears to be time spent in game, compounded by requesting data, for example, changing maps, or wining several PVP fights. The next goal button is a frequent cause of in game crashing.
    A massive help was removing the Frontline individual quests, which removed 5 goal achievement screens and between 1 and 4 next goal buttons at the start of the event when all the faction goals are also being completed, again with the next goal button popping up.
    Loosing these rewards (mainly the ship) was not a good move in it 'self though, making it virtually impossible to ever have the ability to complete the individual frontline goals.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    The new Feedback thread is here http://forums.gree.net/showthread.ph...back-7-14-2015. A new one is added every two weeks.
    If you have a gambling problem (ie. spend money on GREE games), call 1 - 800 - GAMBLER

  3. #3
    Agent Orange's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Toronto Canada
    I am noticing very slow connections on IOS and a lot of server connect errors on Android. Also failed server pushes on Android even though I have plenty of system memory available.

    In your case it sounds like you are running out of memory, I find the game almost unplayable on devices with 512mb and better but still crashing on 1gb and that is with several GB of free internal storage.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
    Free player
    Playing since 11/08/2011
    Level 240+

    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
    Free Player since 7/18/12
    Level 33+

    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
    Free Player since 5/30/13

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thank you both, and yes, I just checked and found a load of low memory messages. Re-booted my system in the hope it frees up some. Guess I am going to have to buy a new device, which is annoying, as it worked fine a while ago.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    What device do you have?
    If you have a gambling problem (ie. spend money on GREE games), call 1 - 800 - GAMBLER

  6. #6
    game force closes hundred plus times a day i cant be bothered to report it anymore when gree broke what worked cos they hire sh.tprogrammers and fraudster management.

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