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Thread: Modern War Feedback (6/16/15)

  1. #16
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    Many factors, but I think it is just because of unawareness of the existence of the forum. Even going back months ago, the forum community was relatively small, and use of the forum was not really advertised in game. As time moves on, eventually people will lose interest in the forum, so we are now reduced to a small number.
    Hi, no that isn't true. Note my forum start date. I can assure you that this forum and MW were a thriving community when I first started to play and remained so through the years that it was run by Funzio. Things started to fall apart around the time that gree took over and have been on a downward spiral ever since so I would suspect if we looked at this statistically it would be like falling off a cliff with the only thing left being to hit the bottom and die.

    Basically the forum is dying just as the game is because customers are no longer satisfied with the product while those the most passionate or crazy have hung around hoping that someone would grab the controls and pull this out of it's death spiral. Sadly upper management is not and so maybe a handful of oldtimers are still playing or watching to see when the clock runs out.

    This btw never should have happened if whoever the project manager had even a modicum of a vision for a long term game where the components meshed together and play was fun and interesting and not a bunch of stupid mindless tapping. Plus a level of real strategy would have been swell.... But as it sits Rome is a full blown five alarm fire and you are running out of water.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  2. #17
    Prominent Poet DEWIN NUTTIN's Avatar
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    There are none so blind as those who choose not to see.
    There are none so deaf as those who choose not to hear.
    There are none so dumb as those who refuse to acknowledge the other person(s) may have validity in regards to that for which they advocate.
    It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

    SPEND it, if you got any left.

    Jesse “The Body” Ventura said, “Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!”

    In the words of Bobby Heenan: "The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it.

  3. #18
    Verbose Veteran
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    I have played this game a long time. I also lurked this forum for almost as long before joining. There were so many regulars here, for years, that you almost couldn't keep from mixing them up with someone else. Now, there are maybe 30 active regulars here? Everyone has left, and no one has replaced them. It's got nothing to do with it not being advertised in the game, and everything to do with no new players replacing those that have left the game. Look at the recently ended case event. I managed two opens, and still placed. The players are just gone and no one new is coming in. This is just like what's ever happened in every inner city. And we all know how they end up.
    If you have a gambling problem (ie. spend money on GREE games), call 1 - 800 - GAMBLER

  4. #19
    Prominent Poet bam bam.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    Many factors, but I think it is just because of unawareness of the existence of the forum. Even going back months ago, the forum community was relatively small, and use of the forum was not really advertised in game. As time moves on, eventually people will lose interest in the forum, so we are now reduced to a small number.

    ^^^this guy! Lol^^^

    No wonder they made him a mod. And no wonder hellrazor quit.
    No, it's not what you think. It's much, much worse!

  5. #20
    Verbose Veteran Brown Out's Avatar
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    Can you run a special for one week and make the boost buildings obtainable with in game cash?

    I'm a free player with crazy stats (it shows during Raid Boss) but lots of newbies are stronger than me in attack/defense because they bought all the boost buildings.

    Maybe a 4th of July special.

    Just a suggestion.

    Your friend,

    Brown Out

    Edited to say ...only players who have been playing more than 3 years should be able to take advantage of the offer I'm suggesting. I'm sure tracking someone's join date wouldn't be to difficult.
    Give long time players extras that others can't get.

    Thank you for hearing me out.

    Long time player, occasional forum poster.
    Last edited by Brown Out; 06-21-2015 at 03:53 PM.

  6. #21
    Verbose Veteran
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    The simple is never simple when it comes to GREE.
    If you have a gambling problem (ie. spend money on GREE games), call 1 - 800 - GAMBLER

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Orange View Post
    Hi, no that isn't true. Note my forum start date. I can assure you that this forum and MW were a thriving community when I first started to play and remained so through the years that it was run by Funzio. Things started to fall apart around the time that gree took over and have been on a downward spiral ever since so I would suspect if we looked at this statistically it would be like falling off a cliff with the only thing left being to hit the bottom and die.

    Basically the forum is dying just as the game is because customers are no longer satisfied with the product while those the most passionate or crazy have hung around hoping that someone would grab the controls and pull this out of it's death spiral. Sadly upper management is not and so maybe a handful of oldtimers are still playing or watching to see when the clock runs out.

    This btw never should have happened if whoever the project manager had even a modicum of a vision for a long term game where the components meshed together and play was fun and interesting and not a bunch of stupid mindless tapping. Plus a level of real strategy would have been swell.... But as it sits Rome is a full blown five alarm fire and you are running out of water.
    Orange is right Lolsie. The game is way less active then it used to be. When we saved up health packs for 2 cycles and went gold free during war we wouldn't make top 500. We used our health packs the third cycle and made 54th. Now we are all gold free because what Gree did to the game with screw ups, and now going gold free gets us top 250 yet, usually around 240ish. Now that is a jump of 250 spots. That tells me way less factions are participating and that is. Or a good sign for Gree. This could have been avoided by fixing existing issues and not adding more events until those issues are fixed. Then Gree decided to bombard us with event after event obviously trying to gouge gold out of players, when it is that obvious players quit and lose interest. Played will spend when they have fun, when they feel like it's a game, not when they are force fed, but you should know by now that Gree has no moral grounds in running a company.

  8. #23
    Articulate Author East Coast Bias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    Many factors, but I think it is just because of unawareness of the existence of the forum. Even going back months ago, the forum community was relatively small, and use of the forum was not really advertised in game. As time moves on, eventually people will lose interest in the forum, so we are now reduced to a small number.
    Oh my my. Here is a newbie just asking to be spanked. As others have already stated, the forum is quieter because there are fewer active players. Why do you think so many teams are merging, especially the top 10? Even the proudest teams who said they would never merge have needed to do so. Eventually Gree will need to reduce the prize tiers because there aren't enough players to be in each one. Rather than continuing to drink the Koolaid just so that you can be called a mod, take a stand by stepping away. Trust me, none of us think you guys are useful and laugh at the thought that you guys have any ability to improve matters (heck, the paid mods despite their good intentions can't bring about useful change). Trust that power surge is feeling a little less powerful.

  9. #24
    Verbose Veteran Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Bias View Post
    Oh my my. Here is a newbie just asking to be spanked. As others have already stated, the forum is quieter because there are fewer active players. Why do you think so many teams are merging, especially the top 10? Even the proudest teams who said they would never merge have needed to do so. Eventually Gree will need to reduce the prize tiers because there aren't enough players to be in each one. Rather than continuing to drink the Koolaid just so that you can be called a mod, take a stand by stepping away. Trust me, none of us think you guys are useful and laugh at the thought that you guys have any ability to improve matters (heck, the paid mods despite their good intentions can't bring about useful change). Trust that power surge is feeling a little less powerful.
    Newbie? Getting spanked?

    Let's start.

    Look at my join date. That's all I can say for that.

    I accept the fact that what I said was not entirely correct, and I do realize that it's because of the reduced amount of active players in the game. Sorry for that.

    Next, you comment on how moderators and CM's are 'not useful'. We're trying the best we can, really. However, you must understand that unpaid moderators like me cannot bring permanent change to both in-game and in the forum. We are only responsible for monitoring the forum and pointing out threads with good feedback. The rest is up to the CM's, and they are also trying their best to help improve the forum community and the MW community. Although players may not see a quick change right at the instant that they provide feedback, change will happen, with the help of the CM's.

    As a final note, I will not wield my power like a weapon and use it for anything that doesn't positively contribute to the forum community. Mark my words.

  10. #25
    Verbose Veteran Lolsies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bam bam. View Post
    ^^^this guy! Lol^^^

    No wonder they made him a mod. And no wonder hellrazor quit.
    Hellrazor did not quit because he felt that the role of moderator was horrible in this community. Although I won't release the reason why, it certainly wasn't because of that reason.

  11. #26
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    Newbie? Getting spanked?

    Let's start.

    Look at my join date. That's all I can say for that.

    I accept the fact that what I said was not entirely correct, and I do realize that it's because of the reduced amount of active players in the game. Sorry for that.

    Next, you comment on how moderators and CM's are 'not useful'. We're trying the best we can, really. However, you must understand that unpaid moderators like me cannot bring permanent change to both in-game and in the forum. We are only responsible for monitoring the forum and pointing out threads with good feedback. The rest is up to the CM's, and they are also trying their best to help improve the forum community and the MW community. Although players may not see a quick change right at the instant that they provide feedback, change will happen, with the help of the CM's.

    As a final note, I will not wield my power like a weapon and use it for anything that doesn't positively contribute to the forum community. Mark my words.
    You seem pretty new to me in this forum, perhaps in another game you are not but here absolutely.

    I get that you player mods have to tow the gree line, sadly though all that does is undermine your credibility and to make matters worse our respect for you since as players you ought to be on our side not theirs...... Why I have and will continue to object to having non employee mods.

    I also personally do not think mods should be posting personal comments, especially non employees since this just leads to more confusion since many expect you folks to have the inside edge on information yet obviously you don't and are just as out of the loop as the rest of us. Hopefully you see how counterproductive this is. If not I would ask that PMs stop commenting in the forums unless they are absolutely positive that what they post is factual and accurate. Otherwise you are doing a lot more harm than good.

    In terms of providing feedback, seriously? You've read the comments in the feedback thread. If not you should with attention paid to the comments pointing out the painful lack of response to our comments.

    As I said I get that you guys might be trying to do your best, it's a bad situation exasperated by a company that is giving off the vib that it's doesn't care about it's customers but when you guys drop in and post inaccurate information or worse flex your authority by modifying posts (no not you) then I don't feel that PMs are a good idea.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  12. #27
    Verbose Veteran
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    The fact that we are down to three PM's from six says it all about where GREE and their games are going. And how unnecessary the PM program really was.
    If you have a gambling problem (ie. spend money on GREE games), call 1 - 800 - GAMBLER

  13. #28
    Steady Scribe beartrap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Orange View Post
    I also personally do not think mods should be posting personal comments, especially non employees since this just leads to more confusion since many expect you folks to have the inside edge on information yet obviously you don't and are just as out of the loop as the rest of us.
    They are entitled to personal comments. To say otherwise is unnecessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Orange View Post
    In terms of providing feedback, seriously? You've read the comments in the feedback thread. If not you should with attention paid to the comments pointing out the painful lack of response to our comments.
    Not every comment needs a response from Gree.

    And by the way you should know by now, not to shame mods/community managers. If you have a problem with them, take it up with Clementine, Relic or Bolt and not make publicly unwise statements.

  14. #29
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beartrap View Post
    They are entitled to personal comments. To say otherwise is unnecessary.

    Not every comment needs a response from Gree.

    And by the way you should know by now, not to shame mods/community managers. If you have a problem with them, take it up with Clementine, Relic or Bolt and not make publicly unwise statements.
    Hmm now who are you really?

    You kind of selectively cut and somewhat took my comment out of context which actually is a good example of why player mods should never be allowed to edit posts. Delete and lock yes but to edit no as it can/will change the context of the message. Now in my example, because the pm is acting as a representative of the company in an arms length manner their comments can easily be misinterpreted as coming from the company as opposed to being personal and that is the beginning of the slippery slope.

    Now if a mod were to set up a non sanctioned personal account on the forum where they could post personal comments such as you then that would be perfectly fine. It's when they put on their 'gree' sanctioned hat that things no longer are fine.

    In terms of resonses from gree, seriously if you read even this thread there are plenty of examples where an issue needs to be addressed, not just the standard we are working on it and then further communication evaporates. And no not every issue needs a formal response but that is still an extremely lame excuse.

    Please define 'publically unwise', sort of like the statements you made?
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  15. #30
    Steady Scribe beartrap's Avatar
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    Well it is against the forum CoC to name and shame them. Might want to revisit it.

    A sentence that stands alone without being edited and remains intact does not take it out of context. In fact, it holds the context and format that the original author wrote. If you believe you wrote an improper sentence, then you might want to edit it more appropriately.

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