The ltq has started but faction part is missing. Can we ever expect an event to be put out without bugs or glitches?
The ltq has started but faction part is missing. Can we ever expect an event to be put out without bugs or glitches?
With no faction part in the speed wrapper is this suppose to be an iltq bolt?
Here is something hard to believe, Gree decides to change up the start time for events going forward and the very next event doesn't start properly! I see an FLTQ running according to the globe icon in iOS but there is no FLTQ in the factions tab of the goals. That is even after I've reloaded the game a number of times since it supposedly started at the top of the hour.
Is there still an FLTQ coming sometime or is this just being changed to an ILTQ now?
Not realy hard to believe
It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
The SPENDING LAMP is ALWAYS lit in ALL GREE GAMES. SPEND it, if you got any left.
Jesse “The Body” Ventura said, “Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!”In the words of Bobby Heenan: "The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it."
I can confirm the event is meant to be ILTQ, not FLTQ. Apologies for any confusion.
Yet another small thing added to the pile. Just embarrassing
OMG, this is unbelievable. If i would work so.... How is THIS possible ? Absolutely non professionell !!
End one total bore iltq marathon and replace with another..... Man this game is fun lol
The confusion is because the Developers Team did not double check their work and posted the LTQ as an FLTQ and not an ILTQ. If they had done their work with due diligence, there would be less confusion.
Anyone there ever double check the Calendar before posting it? How long was it up that is was an FLTQ and not an ILTQ.
Did they make another mistake and did not get the FLTQ part to work right so now they adjusted themselves that this is what they intended all along?
Those guys are a joke! All of their excuses are less believable every time something like this happens.
Their QUALITY CONTROL/ASSURANCE is non-existent.
Everyone stop.
Maybe they are not incompetent. Maybe they are disabled or have had a traumatic brain injury. Did you ever think of that? You should be ashamed of yourselves and cut them a break. No empathy on the interwebs.
If you want to look at incompetence, look at these poor saps and ask yourselves if they could program a phone game:
I don't think so.