anyone have the higher boss level healths? Lv100-150
anyone have the higher boss level healths? Lv100-150
No, it's not what you think. It's much, much worse!
Level 268 free hit about 1.6T
Boss 102 1 free hit
Boss 103 2 free hit's (just a sliver left after first free hit)
Lvl 209 1052b att
Boss101 health < 1.7T 1cash+1free hit
Boss 107 2.5T
boss 109 3.1T
Last edited by testpilot; 07-14-2015 at 09:18 AM.
Lvl 324
Boss 150 = approx. 250T health
The increase was pretty intense through the last 5 levels.
my mini level 117 with 24.354B just took 2 free hits to defeat lvl 64 boss. Seems like lvl 64 is actually lvl 65 on excel sheet. So i do not see tiers at lvl 64.
Health Regen Time -30% (Max)
Building Defense +35% (Max)
Infantry Defense +35% (Max)
Ground Defense +35% (Max)
Air Defense +35% (Max)
Sea Defense +35% (Max)
Infantry Attack +35% (Max)
Building Output +35% (Max)
Ground Attack +35% (Max)
Casualty Rare -15%
Air Attack +25%
Sea Attack +20%
Guild Increase +36
Level 180, 2.1T attack
Boss level 23 - 1 free hit took him down!
Hmmm. L183 389b is still one free at boss 72
Boss 90 took more then 1 free hit
Last edited by Gbrown; 06-18-2015 at 07:43 PM.
Lvl 232 319b atk, lvl 70 was still 1 free hit
Lvl 278 1.09T Boss 83 free hit (no idea what health is cant see it)
Lvl 23 3.35B boss 45 free hit
485046391 & 565411567
Level 75 27B boss 60 (free hit keep coming wait daily goal to reset)