Sorry Gree, I've been enjoying the game for quite some time now..but it is very hard as a customer to justify some of your actions that just seem to (deliberately) disappoint your player base. I can only speak for myself, but discontinuing the weekly holiday sale isn't going to suddenly make me start buying gem packs at full price, but just stop spending money on your game altogether. You guys had started these sales on a pretty predictable schedule and almost as soon as we could start to count on them being there, you pull the rug out from under our feet. It seems as though each time we are thrown a bone, we can expect that shortly after you guys will do something to get in the way of yourselves and completely ignore any customer feedback (heroics,holiday pack,chest rewards,etc...) It is very disappointing to continue to watch people I've played with for ages quit the game over a few problems that could be fixed easily.