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Thread: Kingdom Age Feedback (6/02/2015)

  1. #16
    Member Since
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    I was attacked/raided? WHEN?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vile Lynn View Post
    Fix the news feed clock, please.

    "Moments ago" is never moments ago.
    This is been broken what a year now? Not only is there no longer a current time of the raid/attack you no longer get the pop up that it happened. Yet you get notice if someone writes on your wall and that can keep current time but not attacks/raids?

    Tickets sent months A G O only to get reply thank you for your suggestion on how to improve the game. Huh? Does the person replying even play the game to know it WAS a feature that became broken?

  2. #17
    Steady Scribe
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    This game is going down faster than the time it takes those morons at GREEd to respond.

  3. #18
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    It would be nice also to go back to having trial events be more heavy on the amount the guild needs and not per character. I play 3, so that was 30 trials this time. The guild in total had beat the quest by the time I had beat 3 of them. It used to be less per person required and now the last 2 times you change it. Way too much time for those of us with families and jobs. Also please bring back some equipment we can buy with heroic points. The units we can buy are lower than the ones dropping in EB quests. And btw the ones you can buy after level 174 with heroic points are twice the price and lower stats, I can only assume that was a error somewhere, but its the case on all 4 types of units. The beast one is the biggest difference.

  4. #19
    Newbie Agenthollis's Avatar
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    So this current underworld uprising iltq is too energy intensive. I hope you reconsider before event ends.

  5. #20
    Verbose Veteran
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    1)Previous raid boss was brutally useless
    2) LTQ too long and XP intensive ( at least some of the rewards had 6 zeroes )
    3) news feed time please !!!?
    4) commas , commas , commas,,,,,,,

  6. #21
    Prominent Poet Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    Hmmmm....lets do a thought experiment.
    1). 10 new buildings to buy for a total of 1870 gems.
    2). Most peeps can only upgrade a few buildings at a time.
    3). @ 6 months ago you offered a unit that gave an extra upgrade, but at that time, we didn't have much to upgrade, so many of us passed.
    4). Perhaps, you should offer the opportunity to buy 2-3 of these units again,
    5). Lots of extra gems for Gree.
    6). You already have this unit in the system, it should be very easy to offer it for sale again.
    Purple Squirrel

  7. #22
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    agreed, I play several characters and simply forgot to buy it on one of them, would be nice to have the option for another, some old timers in my guild can work on 8 buildings at once. And odd the higher priced gold producing building this time seems weak compared to the middle one.

  8. #23
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    since this is feedback, please get back to more guild activities, we had an easy guild trial quest, terrible 10 trial per character quest, along with 2 single pvp quests (no guild version) and 2 crate events of the same variety, no guild one this time I really felt like I didn't get to play the game with my guildmate's recently. The guild events help the older players help the newer ones by making up the difference.

  9. #24
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    You have to be absolutely out of your minds Gree.

    No 6 day war!

    We need more than a 2 week break between wars. You promised us that you would not do this again to us!

    Expect gem purchases to plummet next war if things don't change.
    Last edited by legalious; 06-15-2015 at 02:51 PM. Reason: Language

  10. #25
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    A six day war is stupid. I expect most of my guild to skip it. We do have lives outside of this game.

  11. #26
    Verbose Veteran Lord Vyper's Avatar
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    congrats Gree....
    If you want to kill the game why don't you just turn off your servers? Why another 6 day war?

  12. #27
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    Any wars lasting longer than the standard 3 days requires Gree to supply us with 100 gems :-)

  13. #28
    Verbose Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquiry View Post
    Any wars lasting longer than the standard 3 days requires Gree to supply us with 100 gems :-)
    100 is nothing, it should be 5,000 to balance things

  14. #29
    Verbose Veteran Lord Vyper's Avatar
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    New event start times are really bad for Europe. I know it's always 5 o'clock somewhere but starting each event at midnight Central Europe time is a big disadvantage - especially for energy and stamina based events.
    At least we should know at which day an event starts (possible in other Gree games) otherwise we have to stay up till midnight each day just to see if an event starts or not

  15. #30
    Verbose Veteran
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    You are killing us - rushed, time intensive, and dull quests leading to 6 day war nobody wants. Why do you hate us? Why do you lie to us?

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