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  1. #16
    Ant venom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mos20 View Post
    Why have there been no gem sales lately? No free gems button on IOS for about 6 months and now not even any sales. Giveth and taketh away. Here is Heroic mode and milestones in wars and new chests etc. BUT you will be probably need some gems to complete all that won't you? Well we are removing the free gems so you will have to buy them. Ok I will buy during sales. Oh sorry there will be no sales anymore, did we forget to mention that?
    Agreed, we should be having a Holiday Sale soon. We haven't had one this week and I am sure that GREE depends on the 'gems' or pixels to gain money and Holiday Sales are on of the ways that people will be willing to buy gems so if there aren't any Holiday Sales, people really aren't going to buy gems as charging them at full price also doesn't help your situation.
    Check out my friend's Forum:

    Average in War: 45k points and willing to do 100k and above if required or necessary
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  2. #17
    There are four catagories for gem sales, you have Android accounts beneath level 40 and above level 40. And then there are Ios accounts beneath 40 and above level 40. You guys Can only see one catagorie with one device (i can see 3) there are gem sales going on Every minute of Every day. They cant activate them all four at once is my asumtion.

  3. #18
    I dont know how your suposed to write kaleidascopic armor (all 5 elements together) but i would love it if we could have a single day epic boss event where you Can fight for the kalei... Armor and garantee that i will spend all my gems on the plus version (if i ever get the chance)

    This armor use te be on sale exclusively, but now everybody uses dragonforged. Can we Please get this beautiful armor type back? I prepose once Every 4 months KnD holds this single day event so i and hopefully a lot more people can Enjoy this game mutch more.

  4. #19
    MisterT's Avatar
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    Why again a stupid over priced armor pack and no holiday pack?

    10000 gold is 1,99 so you pay 8 buck for an outdated armor
    Last edited by MisterT; 06-11-2015 at 01:06 PM.

  5. #20
    legalious's Avatar
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    There needs to be a way to reset the Guild invites to allow for more to be sent out. There are quite a lot of individuals who do not either accept or decline the invites which take up a invite slot. If the invites could expire within a set amount of time, that would be best.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by legalious View Post
    There needs to be a way to reset the Guild invites to allow for more to be sent out. There are quite a lot of individuals who do not either accept or decline the invites which take up a invite slot. If the invites could expire within a set amount of time, that would be best.
    Well, when a guild event starts, ALL GUILDS are automatically set to "closed", so anyone who tries to accept or send an invite is wasting their time.

  7. #22
    legalious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Sandelis View Post
    Well, when a guild event starts, ALL GUILDS are automatically set to "closed", so anyone who tries to accept or send an invite is wasting their time.
    I know that, but did you know there was a limit to the number of invites one can send? Closing the invite function does not release the current guild invites that were already sent out.

  8. #23
    Ant venom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legalious View Post
    I know that, but did you know there was a limit to the number of invites one can send? Closing the invite function does not release the current guild invites that were already sent out.
    According to Relic, this thread is for feedback and stuff, not reporting issues which what you are currently doing, but a personal issue is what you are saying right now.
    Check out my friend's Forum:

    Average in War: 45k points and willing to do 100k and above if required or necessary
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  9. #24

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    Its time to revamp the leveling up rewards. I just reached level 500 and stupidly thought I might get something half decent, a DP key or 2 and some gold maybe. Nope! What did I get I hear you ask, just 1 solitary pathetic gold key! WOW! Couldn't wait to use it!
    Guild Sentinel of IOS guild Sugoi Warriors.
    Plenty of maxed Epics, just can't get a decent fire/water combo! Hate to lose but can't afford to win!

  10. #25
    Ant venom's Avatar
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    I wonder what happened to the new bi-weekly feedback thread that was supposed to some out yesterday, don't tell me you are "going to make it tri-weekly because of people complaining they disliked having it bi-weekly" because the real story is "we can't be bothered with it" if that is the case.
    Check out my friend's Forum:

    Average in War: 45k points and willing to do 100k and above if required or necessary
    Average in Raid: 6M points and willing to do 15M and above if required or necessary

  11. #26
    Hi GREE,

    While I thoroughly enjoy the game I do have a suggestion for improving the way events are completed.
    While I really like the way the milestones are set out and you have inter guild rewards and rankings etc. I have 1 suggestion.
    As i'm sure you're aware with the current rewards system those who are strongest and in most cases richest will always receive the top rewards. Which is fair enough to some extent.

    My suggestion is that you include an additional ranking system so that there are rewards based on your level and kept relative. Basically the way the structure works is you have a rewards system for lvl's 0-10, 10-50, 50-100, 100-200, 200-300, and 300+ or something like that. Obviously you wouldn't have the top reward for the winner from the lvl 10 group as good as the reward for the top of 300+ but it would still be better than what a lower ranked player would get in a high tier.

    This way you are competing against more people your own level and it makes it more exciting for newer players and they will be more likely to spend gems if they think they have a better shot at winning something and gives them a chance to compete.

    Hope you follow this and hope other people agree.

    Kind regards,

  12. #27
    legalious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ant venom View Post
    According to Relic, this thread is for feedback and stuff, not reporting issues which what you are currently doing, but a personal issue is what you are saying right now.
    It is not necessarily a personal issue. I am providing feedback for the invite feature which apparently has a limit and no option to release invites already sent. You might want to reread my post about guild invite limit that I was providing feedback to. Thanks for turning a global notice of service into a personal one .

    FYI this feedback was requested by Gree so that the developers have this on their notice list.
    Last edited by legalious; 06-18-2015 at 11:40 AM.

  13. #28
    MisterT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legalious View Post
    I know that, but did you know there was a limit to the number of invites one can send? Closing the invite function does not release the current guild invites that were already sent out.
    GM can set guild to "Closed" that will cancel all invites

  14. #29
    Kangaroeland's Avatar
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    Interested in joining one of the top guilds in k&d? Pm kangaroeland on line, we have spots for every kind of player.

    -- ITSB #10 Magma Lord Raid --

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