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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Crime City Feedback (5/19/2015)

    Hello Crime City Denizens!

    This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on Crime City. Every other Tuesday we will sticky a new feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.

    The intention of the thread is to collect the ongoing thoughts from our customers, it is not meant for discussion. To discuss a specific topic, please create a separate thread on the General forum.

    When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    In-Game Events
    Customer Support
    Community Support
    Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.

    Thank you,

    The GREE Community Team

  2. #2
    Evan1000's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I got a better prize from opening one prize in the case event than the pretty gold demanding SA 120m syn goal. Can a modifier be added onto it or something to make it more worthwhile?
    Double Negative is always recruiting. T10
    Line id: evan1000

  3. #3
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    in your dreams
    • It would be very helpful if the events on the Master Plan were identified in game: S/LTQ, SA RB, EB, Box10, Box25, etc... Some events are obvious but the titles are getting more & more vauge.

    • A PvP Tourney, like we have in Kingdom Age, would be awesome!

    • IMHO, finally releasing boost buildings in CC was a great idea, but requiring gold to buy them was disapointing albeit expected.

  4. #4
    Nighteg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    1) Please find some use for player's economy. Thousands of players are sitting on tens/hundreds of billions of cc cash, with nothing to do with them.
    a) Add new store items (how hard can it be?)
    b) Add more syndicate bonuses
    c) bring back purchasable weapons on SLTQs
    d) for once, release an expensive LTB (at least 500m initial cost), with an appropriate reward and a wrapper.
    e) sell temporary bonuses for cc cash.
    f) Increase lvl cap to 20, like you did in MW.

    2)Street Assault:
    a) bring back demon farming. It was one of the rare cases where activity is rewarded (and not only gold spending).
    b) decrease regen time. It's ridiculous.
    c) Increase units price. You might as well give them out for free.

    3) Bring back PVP showdowns with the leaderboard.

    4) Fix wars formula. Lvl shouldn't be a factor.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Pick a state, USA
    In SA when achieving goals get rid of the comets, bruisers and low lvl awards. Just hand out choppers and demons. Those low lvl deploys are just building useless inventory

  6. #6
    spiderman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    1) Please find some use for player's economy. Thousands of players are sitting on tens/hundreds of billions of cc cash, with nothing to do with them.
    a) Add new store items more expensive store items for CC cash and respect.
    b) Add more syndicate bonuses levels
    c) bring back purchasable weapons on SLTQs
    d) release an expensive LTB (at least 500m initial cost), with an appropriate reward and a 12 hour payout.
    e) add some more decorations in store
    f) add some more hood expansions, with all the buildings available some people really need more space.
    g) bring back mods on syndicate prizes, as syndicates are an important part of the game.

    2)Street Assault:
    a) bring back demon farming. It was one of the rare cases where activity is rewarded (and not only gold spending).
    b) decrease regen time.
    c) Increase units price.

    3) Bring back PVP showdowns with the leaderboards.

    4) less events at one time, too many events going at once.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Exiled Mafia
    Street Assault became one of the best events based on prizes before but having one every weekend is outrageous. You guys are doing too much. Epic Boss, the 15 different bosses was creative but having the stregnth go up and down was a bad idea. Please change it back to the old format and maybe 10 fewer days. Yall some inconsiderate bastards

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Good job on EB this cycle. It
    really made it fun again &
    everyone in our syn loved it,
    especially being 14 days long.

    S.A. 3 times this cycle huh? I'm
    undecided about it but most are
    calling it laziness on your part. You're
    killing the fun in events so please
    stop piling them on so close together.

    Deal with the lag issues. Try
    installing more servers or maybe let us
    clean out old low stat weapons somehow. I
    keep getting kicked out too.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Epic Boss, challenging without being impossible BUT making level 1 impossible without gold for some players was just stupid. What exactly were they supposed to do for two weeks? Similarly, barring entry even to the lower tiers of legendary for non-spenders was a disappointment. Free players wouldn't expect to reach the end (or even the middle of legendary) but it's quite nice to do the first couple of levels.

    SA: yes, restore demon farming please. When the event began I hated the long regen time but now I'm quite happy with it. A shorter regen would just turn this into a boring tapping fest. That's how it is in MW Frontline event, and it's far less enjoyable to play. So leave that alone please. The tapping addicted can use gold to fund their habit.

    I agree we need something to do with game cash besides piling it up. New faction bonuses were promised for MW a while ago but they haven't materialised yet. It would be nice if they did sometime soon, and if we were to get new bonuses in crime city also. And not just extensions of the old bonuses; how about energy regen bonus, for example?

    And finally, please can you hurry up and find a new use for the accomplices we're carrying.
    "The Tokyo Rose of the Trailer Park"

  10. #10
    rotmang's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New lay out sa: great job :-),,,like the new leaderbord but still dosnt pop up everytime. And yes demon farming would be nice if it would return.

    14 day eb with new health tier: i wont make it till boss 150 but i like it so far but indeed health for the first tear of bosses is to high for low stat players.

  11. #11
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    in your dreams
    It has been a long while since we've had a CC forum community contest.

  12. #12
    EB 14 days was too much 5 days should be enough just like before, RB that should be atleast 7 days give more chance on other syndicates to finish the event not just the higher top syndicates out there. SA should be just once a month we don't need that every weekend and the constant pop up is annoying . Lagging pls fix it .The event after event the game is becoming more of a chore not fun. Regeneration sucks big time. Been playing this game since they had it in facebook then downloaded it on my phone and really got so hooked and been playing it since was fun back then not to many events cramped together there was like time to breathe in between, now its polluted. Well not really sure how this feedback will help I believe time and time again people throw in their feedback but Is Gree even reading all this.

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    1) in SA , start looking everyone with 250 deploys , only gold spenders even play for the first 2-3,hours ; drop the cheap units , no one uses them and they take up memory in the game ; the deploys lag is brutal
    2) epic boss was a nice switch , but a little long ... Since you haven't offered heAlth regens in 2 years , it takes 2 hours for one boss once get above 50
    3) PvP tourney would be nice
    4) individual LTQ's still use way too much energy

  14. #14
    JakeCullen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Instead of putting up new things for the "game", please address the old unresolved ones.
    Face it, I'm hotter and colder than you. :-)

  15. #15
    Evan1000's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Evan1000 View Post
    I got a better prize from opening one prize in the case event than the pretty gold demanding SA 120m syn goal. Can a modifier be added onto it or something to make it more worthwhile?
    Thanks for listening to my feedback
    Double Negative is always recruiting. T10
    Line id: evan1000

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