This is how the playing field gets levelled over time and the game renewed.

The game suffers from massive inequality where newbies, no matter how much money they throw at the game, will never be competitive with active old timers that have all the great boost units from 3 years ago. The are forever behind the eightball with no hope of ever locking horns with those guys.

The solution gree has for this is massive, ridiculous stat inflation where unit strengths lurch spasmodically in leaps and bounds, usually over a weekend where if you miss out, well, you REALLY miss out.

It seems to me that the much simpler, far more elegant, and far more sane solution is simply to give all units a shelf life. Say 1 year, then they disappear from your inventory on the anniversary date of when you acquired them. And with the unit also goes the boost attached to it.

Old timers have to stay active to keep ahead of the pack, not just rest on their massive laurels built up over time from the days of massive boost bonuses.

Newbies have a sliver of hope that with time and activity they will be able to get to the top of the pile eventually.

There is no need, ever, for stat inflation.

What do you think?