Hello, I have a seven member faction that I have developed over the past 2 years. I am a casual player so I did not make the most the recent stats-flation and the fact that most of my accounts were not awarded the prizes that was earn. I have contacted GREE but they made things worse, my stats actually went backwards!

Anyone interested please contact myself. This faction would be ideal for smaller factions wanting to improve and for beginners to become competitive in a faster time. Or to those that just want to strip it of its assets. Some examples of the competitiveness of this faction: my longest winning streak in World Domination is 21; in Frontal Assault I generally play one game and use my IPH and $ to overwhelm.

The Leader stats are 5.5 bil attack, 8.2 bil defense, with an IPH of $14.9 mil.

Faction Bonuses purchased: Building Def 4/7; Infantry D 7/7; Ground D 6/7; Air 4/7; Sea D 3/7; Building Output 2/7; Infantry A 3/7; Ground 1/7; Air A 0/7; Sea A 0/7; Health 5/7

5 of the 7 members are in the 4 billion attack/defense range. There is approximately 1000+ units of concrete and some gold.

Reason why I am quitting? Too much time needed to play to put up with software bugs.

Ideally since having invested so much of my time, I would like to see the accounts go to someone who has been active and move these accounts forward. Please contact me.

Regards AK1