1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Exclamation Knights & Dragons Feedback (4/21/15)

    Hello Knights & Dragons Community!

    This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on Knights & Dragons. Every other Tuesday we will sticky a new feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.

    The intention of the thread is to collect the ongoing thoughts from our customers, it is not meant for discussion.

    When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    In-Game Events
    Customer Support
    Community Support
    Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.

    Thank you,

    The GREE Community Team

    Due to the community stating they disliked weekly feedback threads, we have changed the schedule to every two weeks.

  2. #2
    Can u please reply me email to you?

    Gree's whole customer service experience is a joke. No replies.

    When you do reply, you tell me bull.

    Claimed to give me compensation, but nothing!!!!!

    Founder of Singapore Legends

    RAinbow Ruckus Arena Black Medalist

    Singapore Legends, only #1 blitz-raid guild, Chaos Knight Raid

    Number 2 Guild 47-0, War of The Technomancer.

    Member of DQP

  3. #3
    Lord P's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    United States
    In-Game Events........

    I'd like to see keys for the jewel chest in every milestone event.

    I'd also like to see potions dropped in the map areas.

  4. #4
    Once again, Heroic Mode is only 7 days.

  5. #5
    roookey1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I have given up on feedback, it just doesn't change anything.

    What's the point of writing feedback if there is no response, or the only response when we have a chance to ask questions directly is a blatant "NO" for by far most of the things posted in here.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    "Give us your money and shut the hell up."--Gree

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    This thread humors me. Each and every week they post a new feedback thread, yet nothing ever changes (and when things do change they are usually for the worst). I think this is Gree's way of relaxing and having a good laugh. I can picture them just sitting there rubbing our money all over themselves while laughing at this thread. Honestly, why else would they give us this thread if not to humor themselves when week after week they dont show any intention of doing anything the majority of players want. We're just a joke to them while they bathe in our money...

    Do any of you know/remember the South Park episode where the kids go to the cable company to try and block murder porn from their televisions so their parents cant watch it? I couldnt stop laughing at the way the cable company taunted and treated their customers. Its not so funny to me anymore since Gree is our cable company...
    Last edited by Regretz; 04-25-2015 at 08:20 PM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    A sticky "feedback" topic probably prevents a few extra threads being created in the non-sticky part of the forum, so job well done in their eyes.

    Just thought of this: mobile game companies seem more like a drug dealer with a local monopoly on 1 or more drugs: not in the business of making their clients satisfied, just in the business of keeping them spending.
    Too many games these days probably starting off as a monetization model with a game built around that than as a game with some monetization added...
    Android: GM of casual guild Macross (former Majestic member), mostly farming screenshots for the wiki now.
    Line-ID: marco-knd
    Still usable epics: Forgestone+/Ravage/Necro/Druid, Specter/Komodo
    if "boss fight is close" then "insert miss at the last moment" end
    Topic containing the all important armor etc. spreadsheet: http://www.funzio.com/forum/showthre...Administration

  9. #9
    Ant venom's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    United States of America
    Honestly these threads of "feedback" are jokes I agree, but the funniest part is in the description above "Due to the community stating they disliked weekly feedback threads, we have changed the schedule to every two weeks." this is the part I find funny, it is probably stated so that GREE can have an extra week of laughing and so that the Community Managers can enjoy hatred. I doubt that, that fact about the community stating they disliked weekly feedback threads is true.
    Check out my friend's Forum: http://wolfslayerx.proboards.com/

    Average in War: 45k points and willing to do 100k and above if required or necessary
    Average in Raid: 6M points and willing to do 15M and above if required or necessary

  10. #10
    roookey1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I didn't even notice that yet ... yeah, a total joke. I also never read anyone stating he 'dislikes weekly feedback threads'.

    But let me try something: "I dislike biweekly feedback threads."

    Let's see if they change it to 3-weekly now.

    I'd rather expect them to not change it because they never do what their customers are asking for.
    Which again would suggest they changed it to biweekly because no one ever said he 'dislikes weekly feedback threads'.

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Hello GREE CM, I heard there will be milestones in wars from a KnD social media and I was really looking forward to this but there isn't any milestones in the current war. Can you clarify if this true or not? Maybe I imagined reading that but I don't know anymore.

  12. #12
    roookey1's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    P4r4noid, they are already in beta-test now for what I know.

    Milestones would for sure make wars more interesting again, but I've seen what they have done to this game recently, so I with a heavy dose of salt I will keep my enthusiastic comments to myself until this has been implemented in a good and interesting way, if those milestones are not just crappy ones, and if they are not messed up after a very short while by some more pay2win or pay2play 'features' as they did with Heroic mode.
    Last edited by roookey1; 04-27-2015 at 02:47 AM.

  13. #13
    Ant venom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    United States of America
    Quote Originally Posted by roookey1 View Post
    P4r4noid, they are already in beta-test now for what I know.

    Milestones would for sure make wars more interesting again, but I've seen what they have done to this game recently, so I with a heavy dose of salt I will keep my enthusiastic comments to myself until this has been implemented in a good and interesting way, if those milestones are not just crappy ones, and if they are not messed up after a very short while by some more pay2win or pay2play 'features' as they did with Heroic mode.
    I hope that Milestones in wars aren't crappy as u have stated and I hope that the rewards from the Milestones are like the ones in raids (as those are quite successful) so that I will actually have the interest in fighting in wars, although I don't know how many war points per milestone as the points you get in wars are much less and different compared to raids', and hopefully it doesn't have a pathetic cap like the 12M like the ones currently implemented in the raids.
    Check out my friend's Forum: http://wolfslayerx.proboards.com/

    Average in War: 45k points and willing to do 100k and above if required or necessary
    Average in Raid: 6M points and willing to do 15M and above if required or necessary

  14. #14
    I feel there was an EXTREME cheating bias on the Epic Boss Voting.

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Thx Rookeye, I will try to be as unethusiastic as I can be for the milestones.

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