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04-11-2015, 04:28 AM #1
looking for an active guild for IOS users
hi as stated above, im looking for an active guild whos not so critical on everything, i usually do weekly raid boss to plus versions and the actual raids on weekends where i can score 4mill, during guild wars i can participate for the weekends only due to my daytime job so i cant do weekday guildwars im level 150+ most of my epics are mono earth (i dnt have good luck on chests) im the current leader of mighty dragons but can leave anytime for a new home...
I decided to search for a new ones cuz my guild isnt that active anymore, the former owner left the game and another heavy hitter retires, im active everyday but losing interest cuz of my current situation within my guild so i need an active one... oh btw, im from sydney australia
my line id is yawgmoth1022 contact me there as i dnt frequent the forums unless i look for tips and/or complain again about the heroic event being too fast (1 week event) ^_^