last month, Gree hired a "VP of revenue" with a background in "product optimization" and "behavioral analysis."
last month, Gree hired a "VP of revenue" with a background in "product optimization" and "behavioral analysis."
GREE needs to start explaining major changes in advance - or people WILL leave. Lots of people.
This war change is a perfect example, and it may be the death of KA.
Also, a word of advice:
When people pay money and/or invest lots of time into building their characters up, do not change fundamentals of the game that completely invalidate all of the money/time spent. If you make their past expenditures worthless, then people will (rightfully) seek to get their money back.
Thank you for balancing the game.
Always looking for more friends please add me
My ally code 582-960-040
Some way to read official Gree posts without having to re-read topics to see if a reply was left.
I know on some other forums this looks like a simple link that takes one to a list of official posts regardless what topic they were posted on.
Daily player
A couple things:
First is an old gripe that should be easy to fix. When attacking a Guild Guardian during a war, if another member of your party has already finished off the GG your attack proceeds whether you like it or not. I say this should be easy to fix because it works differently (better) when attacking walls during wars, if another member has finished off the wall you get a message that the wall is gone and your attack is cancelled, you can then use your health to attack enemy rather than the wall or castle.
The other bug is a month or two old. When earning chests in box events, the reward display says you've won x443529687 (or some such) quantity even though we are rewarded just with the proper x1 or x2.
The war prizes mostly sucked this time. There were guilds/players actively trying to keep scores lower so that they could avoid getting some of the prizes.
Game issues:
Stop making changes mid-event, such as the reworking of boss rewards a few hours in. No matter how messed up you guys think it is on your end, it's _worse_ to let some people take advantage of the mistake/problem but not everyone. I guess I wonder why Gree thinks it's okay to cause such diverse outcomes based on whether a player got started in the first few hours of a 7 day event.
Maybe that's not "constructive" so I'll rephrase: when rolling out changes, please consider whether it is fair and equitable to do so. Gree's current process suggests this gets almost no consideration.
To help increase quality.
More people testing and working out the bugs
ask players to apply to test out the content
The content is tested one month before released to the live servers, all testers must submit a report 2 weeks before the release of said content.(gives your programmers 2 weeks to fix what was found)
It would help avoid a lot of problems that occur by giving the code a wider base which to be tested on, adding in finding minor errors before before it goes live.
A good example of a minor mistake that was missed would be this eb legendary quest, it reads kill 15.... But also asks for 0/105 to start.
Seeing stuff like this is fairly common to, but we don't bring them up on the forum. There's normally some other bigger issue that was found.
Came to understand this new epic boss event after I made this post, there's 7 different bosses we kill 15 of each.
Wish we would get a heads up, or notice of changes before they happen, also would save a lot of confusion.
By the idea still more are needed
Last edited by Valid or; 04-14-2015 at 10:45 PM.
Daily player
How about adding a third button in the battle list. e.g: [profile][invade][attack]. That way we can save alot of time with just a tap instead of invading-waiting and tapping profile.
Last edited by aephlux; 04-15-2015 at 02:47 AM.
Well I was wondering if it was possible to still give out some health regen bonuses. For your younger players it is very hard to compete against players that can do the same damage but twice as often
Cause the 3 major events (epic & raid boss and war) now are based on health regen. Epic boss you need health for hitting, raid boss you need health for hitting and war needs health for amounts of hits you can do.
I don't say I want major bonuses like 20% or whatever (would be great but insane), but some more small bonuses would be great.
This might be a good idea. As your health regen increases, the benefit of more decreases, so this won't help older players as much as it helps the newer players.
For example, if you have no health regen, a 5% reduction saves you 5 minutes until full. If you already have 50%, then a 5% reduction saves 2.5 minutes. If you have a 75% reduction, that 5% more saves you 1.25 minutes.
Purple Squirrel
Would there be any method for adding a choice for a reward? Lets say you complete a long line of quests, like legendary EB, whereupon you have options for reduced time, health regen, I don't know what...
I am editing my resume and adding Beta Tester.
Ow and next to the more health regen bonuses that i think everyone agrees with that are a necessity.
Please take out energy refills as a reward with epic bosses level from 100 and higher.
There is nothing more annoying then farming an epic boss 105 and get another close to useless energy refill.
they are good for the lower level rewards, keep them there and remove them from the higher. Perhaps drop them in a lower tier of rewards.