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  1. #46

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    ^^^^ Someone at Gree should heed the above

  2. #47
    Nighteg's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    What did they do to the Raid Boss in MW?

  3. #48
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by Nighteg View Post
    What did they do to the Raid Boss in MW?
    Go read the MW forum for the full details, but basically...

    First off, no RB units were dropping, then we were gifted 40 until GREE reset the vaults and nobody had RB items again. Typical GREE, no problem. And, GREE cut up RB into 3 "phases." No problem again, but...
    The first "sighting" (Phase 1), the "Beginner" RB was too hard to kill for even the #1 team.
    Top customers' FAs would not even qualify them for a reward; the numbers were that messed up.
    The second part was just as bad and not much was done for the 3rd phase.

    My faction skipped RB completely as we couldn't kill a Beginner without using massive amounts of gold even after GREE adjusted the RB health. Customers under a trillion stats were screwed out of RB.

    Many retired from buying gold or deleted the app completely.
    Not good for the bottom line, but I cannot make GREE learn from their mistakes when they refuse to see them.
    Line ID: clementine88

  4. #49

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Vile Lynn View Post
    Whatever you did to the Raid Boss in MW, DO NOT DO THE SAME TO CC's RB!!

    You know what I'm talking about. The MW RB is another epic failure. And, you failed three times!
    You screwed over CC's Street Assault, making it as boring as MW's Frontline.

    Don't do it. Just don't do it! Please, for the love of the app, don't do it.
    Gree listen to Lynn- I couldn't have said it better myself

  5. #50

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I really wish Gree would bring back the upgrade +1 modifier and make it a permanent buy in the store. As an old player who skipped out for a while, it would be nice to be able to buy somethings that were missed. I know these things were meant to be limited, but it'd be nice to be able to get them.

  6. #51
    my mini level 44 could only get to level 40 ten cash hits
    one my mains level 250 could only get to 70 5 cash hits run out of time waiting for health
    rising the max level to 300 help me not at all
    only my level 200 made boss 101 10 cash hits

  7. #52
    im top 10 and we could not finish all tasks
    you made it too hard
    unlock it to allow help and we could

  8. #53

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chobits275 View Post
    I really wish Gree would bring back the upgrade +1 modifier and make it a permanent buy in the store. As an old player who skipped out for a while, it would be nice to be able to buy somethings that were missed. I know these things were meant to be limited, but it'd be nice to be able to get them.
    They will, when enough old accounts disappear, for a new event. U won't see mods in store...unless u just gave them offer some for a vault or more

  9. #54
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooch View Post
    They will, when enough old accounts disappear, for a new event. U won't see mods in store...unless u just gave them offer some for a vault or more
    In a way, we could see them in the store if GREE brought "boost buildings" to CC like they've always had in MW & KA.
    Line ID: clementine88

  10. #55
    Dipstik's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sir don john View Post
    im top 10 and we could not finish all tasks
    you made it too hard
    unlock it to allow help and we could
    Just out of curiosity, how would "help" work? I picture two syndicates playing the game normally until they get teamed up against SAS8 (The "Ocho") and suddenly there are 500 accounts on one team. Most of them would probably be level 3 with no stats and all controlled by the same people.
    Last edited by Relic; 04-22-2015 at 11:39 AM. Reason: removed impolite language
    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    Dippy, may be a little harsh in this thread, but he's right...
    Still mad at Bostick.

    I'll be back when the moderation is reasonable. Enjoy the forum you created, Gree.

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