Please stop asking me to link my accounts to Game Center.
Please stop asking me to link my accounts to Game Center.
Stat inflation has left the scratchers behind. Either boost their stats or discontinue them. I hope you keep them but currently they are a waste of time because the units you win are worthless.
^^ This!! ^^
Not really for the weekly feedback. The time it takes before the game starts has always been a pain in the @ss for me. When you use your phone for daily business, you constantly switch apps. So when you start KA and have to wait 1-2 minutes, it's getting pretty annoying. Why does it take such a long time? What is the app doing while connecting to server?
I also like the idea of equipment in scratchers.
Especially since the crafting center is obsolete. Inflation of equipment stats has already made crafting pointless. So much for being a revolutionary new feature. We got maybe 3 good months out of crafting?
RB: Thanks for bringing back the health potions (so far the good side)
Boss health is far to high (between 550% and 600%) stronger than last time. My force attack is about 2.5 as high as last time - and I'm very active (EB legendary finished and farmed bosses, all LTQs). This makes it impossible for smaller guilds to finish even RB normal and therefore the fun is gone
You have implemented some nice new features such as shake to collect, however can you work to fix items which have been broken? The Kingdom News feed has been broken for at least a half a year if not longer. Anytime someone attacks/raids you the thread says moments ago. It never changes from Moments ago. When it worked it gave a timeline 3 minutes ago, 6 hours ago, 2 days ago, etc.
Please have people who reply to the tickets actually play the game so they know what is going on. A thank you for the improvement message is not appropriate in the above case when it was something you had before. Something more like we know it is broken and we hope to have a fix by x date.
Why are stones so hard to come by? Years ago while they were not dropping left and right -at least you received some now and again when attacking people. And to be clear I am not saying raiding I am saying attacking. Maybe you should add as an option to the scratcher because right now the only thing I hope off the scratcher is coins rather than my usual 2k or less unit. Win for example of a minimum of 10 stones for the worst option.
Why are there limited timed quests [ind/guild] popping up in the game that are not listed on the Events tab? Two so far in the last week.
When traveling to a rival's kingdom to do PvP, the view always defaults to centered on the rival's castle. Given sprawling kingdoms and many very tall buildings, actually locating the rival to attack can take a while. It would make life easier if the rival's avatar was always located next to the castle. Alternatively, the view could default to centered on the avatar when one arrives at the kingdom; or there could be a button for attacking the rival without having to locate the avatar (maybe where the battle results button shows up).