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  1. #16
    Good thing I saw this. I better get started now!

  2. #17

    just a concept this is not an entry

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Katarn View Post
    No, it's fine. I know I'm definitely not the best artist. If you could draw it better please do, I would appreciate it. I hope you can get the concept.
    This helped me see it a bit more really like your idea though
    Name: NK Xidus
    Guild: NK Massive
    Friend Code: WBR-GPP-CCD

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean A Roberts View Post
    This helped me see it a bit more really like your idea though
    I'm sad to say that that's actually the general idea...

  4. #19
    De-Throne the "Mecha-Prince"!

    Image 1
    Image 2

    The Dark Prince has grown restless that the monsters he send are unable to finish the job. Using his powerful dark magic, he forges and creates a monster in his likeness to mercilessly ravage the kingdom. The knights will never know what hit them, and they'll never know how to hit it. It is an unstoppable death machine with the power to kill.

    Drops: Mecha-Prince drops "Crown Blades", which are used to craft the Epic Armor "Terminator's Regalia".

    Elements: Spirit/Fire

    Friend Code: WBB-CWW-QVG

  5. #20
    From the depths, it's Nessie!

    The Loch Ness Monster is awoken by the Dark Prince, and corrupted into a knight-killing machine!

    Its fins can be collected to create the "Loch Ness Regalia"

    Elements: Water/Fire

    Friend Code: WBB-CWW-QVG

    Image 1
    Image 2
    Image 3

  6. #21
    Demon Thistle

    I didn't realize how blurry the image above was. The second image is a clearer picture.

    Friend Code: WBN-WBZ-CXC
    Suggested Elements: Earth/ Spirit

    The Dark Prince had tasked his potion masters to create a concoction to turn even the most noble knight into his servant. Time and time again, they have failed. All of their failed potions have been dumped into the thistle patch behind the castle. Due to so many potions mixing, the thistle came to life, forming into a demonic plant in the form of a man. His razor sharp thorns adorn his armor and the vines he uses as weapons against these mighty knights. His eyes glow a deep shade of purple, same as the thorns. His armor is primarily made up of greens and browns with accents of purple and gold. The vines he uses as whips have the head of a mace. Knights can collect his poison tipped thorns in order to craft his armor (which looks much like his own). The armor available to be crafted will be called Thistle Demongear.
    Last edited by RaeLynn; 04-14-2015 at 12:25 PM.
    GM of The Forsaken Warrior

  7. #22

    My third and final entry

    For my last entry, I submit to you the Jikininki. I tried to stick as close as possible to the Green Gaki but gave it the name of a human shaped Japanese spirit. I changed the exposed muscle on the back to rocks, gave it spurs and a straight tail, and reversed the color scheme. The picture below is only one of two colors that I chose. This one is Green with brown rocks, the other one would be black with purple gems. (I just added the alternate color.)

    The Jikininki

    Here's a possible armor set, Gree could probably do better. (Via Request)

    Jikininki (Black)

    Here's another possible armor set. Geared towards the black version. (Via Request)
    (Due to a technicality, these possible armors will have shields.)

    So for a questing backstory. The Jikininki used to be abundant in the mountians near the kingdom. The people admired their appearance and grace and painted pictures, wrote poems, and even made statues of them. Then one day one was injured and stumbled into the kingdom before dying. A young man and newcomer to the kingdom found a stone broken off from its back (gem if it's the black one) and was able to craft something out of it. The stones were pure and extremely lightweight and became known as Air Stones (If you go with the black one, the young man found one of the gems and made a price of jewelry out of it. The gems were extremely compact and pure and became known as Pure Quartz.) That young man became the first Jikininki hunter. First they were hunted for their resources, then for sport, then out of fear when the Jikininki became hostile. One day the young man was bringing back a dead one to the kingdom when they were pronounced extinct. The kingdom's society went into turmoil for a period and everyone became sorry that they had hunted the Jikininki. Finally the kingdom fell apart and everyone split up. Little did they know that there was one Jikininki left. He hid out deep in the mountains, he was more intelligent than most. He trained hard so he could exact revenge on the hunters and even learned a small amount of the human language. He grew to an incredible size and finally started his search. The hunted became the hunter. He eliminated every Jikininki hunter except one. Finally he shows up outside the Hero's kingdom. Everyone is trying to figure out who the hunter is so you have to go to the arena and ask around. Finally Lance confesses that he was the young man, he learned how to fuse by using Air Stones (Pure Quartz). He is sorry for killing off the Jikininki and asks if you can try to convey that to the beast outside the kingdom. After defeating it he realizes that Lance is sincerely sorry and ends his rampage. But before he leaves he challenges you to a rematch.
    So his elements would be Air/Earth (Earth/Spirit or Earth/Air for the black one). His special attack would be him darting past you really fast and a rock explosion (gem for black). He would drop the Air Stone (Pure Quartz) and I haven't decided what the craftable armor would be. I'll probably leave that up to Gree. He is more of an attack monster than defense. I would like to know if people would rather see the Green or the Black one? Gree can choose Green or Black, or they could use both, if that's possible? (This is my favorite of my entries and I know Gree could make this one amazing!)

    Name: Kyle Katarn 101
    Friend Code: XBW-HCY-BHF
    Guild: Jesus Is God
    Last edited by Kyle Katarn; 04-20-2015 at 12:07 PM. Reason: Added Jikininki (Black) Links

  8. #23
    Beauty can be a weapon, too, especially that of...


    Goddess of chaos and discord, she uses her ability to manipulate people to do her bidding, and her attractive body is too powerful to resist her manipulations. She is a cunning enchantress who always brings chaos wherever she goes!

    Her golden hair can be collected to craft the Epic Armor, "Vesture of Discord".

    Image 1
    Image 2

    Element: Air/Earth

    Friend Code: WBB-CWW-QVG

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Sandelis View Post
    Beauty can be a weapon, too, especially that of...


    Goddess of chaos and discord, she uses her ability to manipulate people to do her bidding, and her attractive body is too powerful to resist her manipulations. She is a cunning enchantress who always brings chaos wherever she goes!

    Her golden hair can be collected to craft the Epic Armor, "Vesture of Discord".

    Image 1
    Image 2

    Element: Air/Earth

    Friend Code: WBB-CWW-QVG
    Man I jumped when your image first popped up!!! That's freaky...!

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Katarn View Post
    Man I jumped when your image first popped up!!! That's freaky...!
    I tried to keep it as G-Rated as possible.

    Hopefully it would be enough...

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    [*]If including images/artwork, please use an image uploader website such as Imgur.[/LIST]
    Does Wikia work?

  12. #27
    Ant venom's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Katarn View Post
    Oh wait, do you mean the armor you can craft by beating the boss? No I haven't drawn that yet? Would people like to see that?
    Yes this is what I meant, the armor u receive from beating it and are u going to include the stats for the regular and the "+" version or leave it to GREE to decide it?
    Check out my friend's Forum:

    Average in War: 45k points and willing to do 100k and above if required or necessary
    Average in Raid: 6M points and willing to do 15M and above if required or necessary

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Ant venom View Post
    Yes this is what I meant, the armor u receive from beating it and are u going to include the stats for the regular and the "+" version or leave it to GREE to decide it?
    I'm drawing the armor right now but I'll leave the stats to Gree.

  14. #29
    Here is my epic boss I originally designed this to be the dragon-forged armor, but I decided that it is more suitable to be an epic boss. here is my imgur link.

  15. #30

    Epic boss design

    Don't get burn by the fury of... Azazel

    It is a fire and air boss all armored exepted for the biceps

    drops: fire ball

    friend code: XBB HFH HYB (iOS)
    line ID: kokcormsae

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