1. #1

    SpaceK in Irons is a jealous prick

    I recently had a talk with SpaceK. This "talk" ended in argument. His jealousy, simply because I have a better squad than he does, Led him to accuse me of cheating and report me to Gree.
    If this is going to be the weak and pathetic action taken by the leader of Irons, I can only imagine the way he will treat other people. I have not cheated, hacked, nor have I exceeded my boundaries outside of the games parameters set by the game makers.
    I would strongly suggest that if you have a better squad than anyone in Irons, do not attempt to be recruited by them. They will simply accuse you of cheating and report you to Gree.
    Last edited by Hakalugi; 03-10-2015 at 01:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Lolsies's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    A shame. I don't see why he would start arguing when he could have easily gained a good asset. However, please don't go around calling people 'pricks'. This is a very insulting word that should not be used, even if you are frustrated.

  3. #3
    Thank you, for your correction. In the future, I will refrain from using such words.

  4. #4
    First off SPACEK is not jealous of you and second im the one who turned you in for cheating . Non of us our jealous of your squad because we actually worked for ours . Yes you are a cheater you are using two devices to mess with the keys . And I have our entire conversation about how you wanted to teach everyone how to do it . And its about to go on its way to gree if you do not stop your nonsense . Stay away from my alliance and every other alliance that plays for the game and not to cheat . you are not an asset to this game you are a player that will cheat and destroy it for everyone . Stop denying that your cheating . I know gree will agree that it's cheating .

  5. #5
    I don't know who you are or what you are trying to accomplish but whatever you are up to is not good! You have approached me in Palringo PM and started telling me how you have a way of beating the system and ways for unlimited keys, gold and units. You told me how you use multiple devices and that you can show me how to do the same. My response to you was that I don't know what you are talking about that I don't wanna know and that im paying customer who don't like ppl like you and your cheats/hacks and to leave me alone! You ignored my request and proceeded to bluntly tell everyone in IRON chat how you can help everyone cheat that you have a way of beating sys and that from now on everyone can get epics. As a colonel of IRONS I find anyone who cheat and or hack not welcome to our alliance and to our community. You ignored the warning and got banned by General (redneck). You should have left it there but you proceeded to bad mouth me on LoW chat as well here! Regardless of your actions or the outcome I did report you to Gree with screenshots of or chat as well your units. What they do with the info is up to them but I would kindly ask you to leave me and our alliance alone! Thank you
    Last edited by Spacek Irons; 03-11-2015 at 04:59 PM.

  6. #6

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    Please read and review the Forum Code of Conduct. Naming and Shaming is not permitted in the forums. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

  7. #7

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    Please read and review the Forum Code of Conduct. Naming and Shaming is not permitted in the forums. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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