As a player currently equipped in mostly EB+ armors I feel like I am the type of player that is supposed to benefit from Heroic mode the most, but I've got to say this change left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm certainly willing to save my gems in an attempt for a t25 epic, but I don't want to do so wearing EB+ armors and I want to do everything possible to get the level of my gear up before I attempt one. The problem with this is after you've obtained EB+ gear, the only guaranteed way to get your knights the next tier of armor is by obtaining heroic. Don't get me wrong, I do way more fusions than the average player, but I haven't been lucky enough (yet?) to receive any epic armors for my troubles, so naturally I've been super motivated to farm heroic crystals. I would personally be happy to receive at least the normal version (and I'm sure I will, though the drop rates in the later levels are making me nervous), but I was also looking forward to farming for old legendary armors to use for fusions also. The easiest way to make me happy would be to leave the heroic levels active after the event (without the possibility of crafting the epic armor) for players like me to farm for fusion so there is at least some resemblance of progression. This is your game and you're free to do with it what you like, but as a player lately I've been feeling super discouraged with so many failed fusions and poor chest pulls and I wouldn't feel this way if there were at least a tangible goal for me to work toward.