Kingdom Age Weekly Feedback (3/3/15)


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Thread: Kingdom Age Weekly Feedback (3/3/15)

  1. #1
    Community Manager
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    Exclamation Kingdom Age Weekly Feedback (3/3/15)

    Hello Kingdom Age Community!

    This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on Kingdom Age. Every Tuesday we will sticky a new weekly feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.

    The intention of the thread is to collect the ongoing thoughts from our customers, it is not meant for discussion.

    When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    • In-Game Events
    • Customer Support
    • Community Support
    • Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.

    Thank you,

    The GREE Community Team

  2. #2
    Verbose Veteran
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    1) Where the Effing hell are our rewards from day one of war? Why is Gree closing tickets without addressing the missing units? We spent a hell of a lot of money to earn these and don't appreciate getting ripped off by Gree.

    2) 6 day war sucked. Never again please. Never never never ever.

    3) If you are going to introduce new quests into war, make sure they freaking work and are freaking attainable.

    4) Same goes for introducing "classic" style stats. For half the war equipment still played a major factor. Personally, I'd prefer you just pick one stat style and stick with it. Stop complicating things.

    5) The individual CP prizes were still garbage unless you were in the top 30 scorers.

    6) Did I mention I want my rewards from day one?
    Last edited by legalious; 03-03-2015 at 12:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Articulate Author Nacon10's Avatar
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    Long war was terrible idea with serious glitches and still no prizes rewarded from day 1.
    Always looking for more friends please add me

    My ally code 582-960-040

  4. #4
    Articulate Author
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    Yes 6 day war never again please

    Where is the forthcoming quest list

    Splash screens?

  5. #5
    Articulate Author Lys's Avatar
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    Six day war is simply too long. Rather than try to prolong the war, why not try to be more innovative with it instead? The quests that were daily were interesting, but they need to work. Plus, you never seem to take into account the matching times, which were abnormally long yet again, so those streak quests were quite impossible for everyone.

    Individual War Rewards still suck something fierce. Also, remove the singular item. Since you seem to be keeping it as gear, make it cumulative like the guild rewards are. Also, while you're at it, let's see some small bonuses for our Hero Equip stuff, yes?

    There seems to be a disconnect somewhere with Hero Equipment. While looking at it in the inventory, items have bonuses for Hero Equip purposes, such as +35 attack, +3% Infantry Attack, et cetera. However, under the Hero Equip screen, those bonuses are not visible or valid, and they do not impact our Hero Attack at all. Any chance this can get clarified?

    Customer Service is, well, it still has a lot of issues. It also doesn't help, however, when a GREE rep on the forums goes "Everything should be fixed, send a ticket to CS if you don't have these item(s)." If a ton of people are reporting that they don't have credit or the items, you really shouldn't be throwing your CS group under the torrent of tickets like that. It only serves to clog up the system and give even more discontent all around.

    Please, for the love of god, quit giving us chests. Do you have any idea how LONG IT TAKES TO OPEN THEM ALL?! It is time consuming, it's boring, and it's tedious. If you are so insistent on giving them to us still, let us OPEN IN BULK.

    Antiquary Quests - These should run all the way through to a few hours past the end of war. If you're going to keep giving us those unit chests, don't kill the wrapper quest so bloody early, yes? I got the last two units I needed from Bog chests during the war, but the quest was already gone. It's a bit of a slap in the face in my eyes.
    KA - Lys - ID 176-137-752

  6. #6
    Verbose Veteran
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    1 ) I think it was unfair to have the battles won counter reset each day
    2) Matchup algorithm was really weird this time . We faced 3 teams twice, a one person guild with an attack higher than my whole guild, 4 teams 50 places below us (198) 3 teams 100 places higher than us.
    Not a huge fan of the longer COK ; to much time spent in fighting

  7. #7
    Articulate Author JamieF's Avatar
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    Why a feedback thread? What's the use? You aren't listening or fixing anything.

  8. #8
    Verbose Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamieF View Post
    Why a feedback thread? What's the use? You aren't listening or fixing anything.
    Seriously. Half of the feedback seems to be the same week in and week out.

  9. #9
    Verbose Veteran
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    Others may not agree, but I personally do not like all of the Conquest Attack bonuses that have been given out over the last few wars. I get that it is done to make weaker teams more competitive due to the massive inequity in stats. But what you have essentially done is make all of the time and money spent building our characters irrelevant. Furthermore, you have made high level players a huge liability in war.

    I have spent a lot of gems building my character, and have a high enough defense that few people outside of the top 3 guilds can beat me in a normal PvP attack. In war, that is all irrelevant. With players having 50-100% (or higher) conquest attack bonus, there are tons of low level players that can now attack during conquest.

    There is still a massive CP disadvantage between high level players and low level players, and it costs high level players 20-30% more for the same CP. It used to be that your high level players at least had an advantage in that they would/could be too strong for most low level players. With the massive conquest bonus that is no longer the case. And with wins playing such a big part of the last war, you have made being high level an extreme disadvantage (moreso than ever before) regardless of good stats. All the gems spent building those accounts (and leveling in the process) clearly have been wasted.

  10. #10
    Steady Scribe Alisha.Banshee's Avatar
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    I would like to know if Gree is planning any guild management for the founders. It's very time consuming to track stats, donations, war participation, and other guild events. It is especially hard to track what members are participating in trials, epic bosses, and quests where the information vanishes as soon as you meet the goal. It does not have to be an in-game thing, but maybe something on the forum where the leaders can go to get reports, etc. Tracking all the info takes away from my game play time so any help would be appreciated.

  11. #11
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    The increase in health for eb is again OUT OF PROPORTION.
    This is getting ridiculous, how many times do you expect us to repeat outselves for the same events month after month after month.

    You don't increase the difficulty of an event more than the average player has increased it stats for it.
    Do the developers even have brains or didn't they develop those yet...
    Last edited by Saint-BEL; 03-05-2015 at 04:08 AM.

  12. #12
    Articulate Author JamieF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-BEL View Post
    Do the developers even have brains or did they didn't the develop those yet...
    They have very small brains, but huge mortgages that have to be paid.

  13. #13
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    @E-I - I agree to certain extent - weak level 200+ players have always been a weakness during COK - yes , I do run into some players 20-30 levels below me ( I'm 216) .but I believe the aim of the temp Attack boosts was so that only a select number of players are unhittable. I had more losses than ever last war - but more wins too . I would have need to mega attack at least 3 GG last war if it wasn't for the temp boosts I earned . I guess it works both ways -
    I'm more concerned that the points given out during battle are so random that we can have a 200 point difference from one Attack to the next. That is annoying , especially for a 200+!attacking a lower 200+ target . My under level 200 players score higher than I do on these weaker targets .

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by plavine View Post
    @E-I - I agree to certain extent - weak level 200+ players have always been a weakness during COK - yes , I do run into some players 20-30 levels below me ( I'm 216) .but I believe the aim of the temp Attack boosts was so that only a select number of players are unhittable. I had more losses than ever last war - but more wins too . I would have need to mega attack at least 3 GG last war if it wasn't for the temp boosts I earned . I guess it works both ways -
    I'm more concerned that the points given out during battle are so random that we can have a 200 point difference from one Attack to the next. That is annoying , especially for a 200+!attacking a lower 200+ target . My under level 200 players score higher than I do on these weaker targets .
    My issue is more that strong level 200+ players are also now a weakness in COK. Our guild guardian has some of the strongest stats in the game. There isn't a player in KA that she cannot raid, and maybe 2-3 that she cannot beat in normal (non-war) PvP. Yet she had almost 9k in losses. Most came from much weaker players with much lower levels, and who can consistently get 100-200 more CP per hit than she could. Something is wrong with that.

  15. #15
    Moderator Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    Game Issue: The News is still not working, says "Moments ago" for every entry. Please fix.

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