Members, let's make this strictly a question thread. Please feel free to add your own, but please refrain from making actual comments and leave that to our Community Managers should they choose not to ignore us. Thank you.

So what are we to expect from here on out? Was this weekends Gree up enough to take quality control more seriously than what you claim the devs currently do?

Will you continue to have no support available when it's really needed?

Will there be any changes made to the deployment schedule to better react to the recurring update issues?

Will you post and keep updated a running count of Events Glitch Free?

Is the current building upgrade pricing correct, or another glitch? If a glitch, how will it be addressed? Will it be addressed before it spirals out of control?

If the current upgrade cost is indeed a glitch, but addressed differently than the Apollo glitch, at what point will handling of such issues be equal across the board.

Will it be made clear what is and isn't a glitch, and will it be done in a timely manner?